Hi Tobias,
Thanks for writing back and glad my message helped.
All points in your first message are absolutely correct and I couldn't have summarized this better 🙂
As for the second message, before you decide the structure of those items, there are a few key points, that I'd like to mention:
1. If you'd like to filter the results from a particular post type, the desired criteria entity should be directly attached to that post type. It shouldn't be linked to a related post ( i.e. either through the post-relationship or repeatable field group ).
The desired criteria entity for the search query can be:
a). Custom field attached to that post type
b). Taxonomy attached to that post type
c). Custom post type attached to that post ( post-relationship filter )
2. Only one post-relationship filter can be used in a view at a time, which means that it should be used wisely and only for the search filter which is unavoidable.
To make this more clear, if a custom post type "A" is attached to multiple post types e.g. "B" and "C" (through post-relationships), you can only include a single post-relationship filter, in a single view, for either "A -> B" or "A -> C".
3. However, if post types are connected indirectly, i.e. A is connected to B (A -> B) and B is connected to C (B -> C), then it is possible to add a multi-level search filter for A->B->C.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/post-relationships/how-to-display-related-posts-with-toolset/how-to-filter-posts-by-their-ancestors/ )
Your visitor will first select a post type C in the first field and then only related posts from B will populate as the options in the second field and then upon choosing the B post, only related A posts will show in view that is set to show A posts )
Based on the above points, if you'd like to search through a post type "Actors", you can include a "Gender" custom field to this post type ( with the options "male" & "female" ) and a custom taxonomy named "University", which will have the university names as the taxonomy terms.
As a result, you'll be able to add search fields in the view, which can filter the results based on "gender" and "university".
You'll be able to connect other post types (like "resumes, voice samples and characteristics for off voice, etc) to this "Actors" post type through post-relationships, but as mentioned in the point #2, you'll be able to use only one of those connections, as a front-end post-relationship filter, in the view.