The input element below is failing in w3c validation, because attribute 'min' is not allowed at this point. 'min' attributes on input elements are only allowed when type is date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number or range.
Do you have a fix for this?
<input type="text" id="toolset-maps-distance-center" name="center" class="form-control js-toolset-maps-distance-center js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed js-toolset-maps-address-autocomplete pac-target-input" value="" placeholder="Voer uw plaats of postcode in" aria-label="Enter a location" autocomplete="off">
The element can be found on this page enlace oculto
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
I've shared this feedback internally with the concerned team for further review.
Unfortunately, there is no hook or filter available to override that part of the markup, so for now, you can remove min="0" part by editing the plugin file "/wp-content/plugins/toolset-maps/includes/toolset-views-maps-distance-filter.php" at line# 1506:
<input type="text" min="0" id="toolset-maps-distance-center"
Thanks for this solution. Are you going to implement this in an update?
Thanks for writing back.
Yes, as the nature of this fix is very simple, most likely it will be covered in the next Maps plugin release.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!