I have a Toolsets field with a year in it (the year that someone got a qualification).
I use this to create a shortcode that displays the number of years experience from today - I've registered this and its working.
https://toolset.com/forums/topic/calculating-dates/ (slightly modified as I only want the year).
What Id like to do is create a front end filter where I can specify a range - e.g this person has over 10-years experience or between say 5 - 7 years experience? Is this possible at all?
I cant see how, but thought I'd ask 🙂
How do you setup the custom field "the year that someone got a qualification"?
I assume it is custom date field, there isn't the exact feature within Toolset, there is a date range filter, see our document:
In your case, you might consider custom codes, for example:
- Use filter hook "wpv_filter_query" to trigger a PHP function
- In this PHP function, get the user's submitted inputs, and turn them into timestamp values, and apply the values to filter the queue
more help:
When displaying a View listing posts, this filter is applied to the arguments being generated by the View settings before they are passed to the WP_Query class.
The field is actually not a date field, its a number field.
I'm struggling how to understand how I achieve this with filter hook above... are there any examples of how
I use this code to produce a the number of years since today from the number field that contains the year.
Years Experience: 56 <-- short-code result
From: Admission Year Numeric: 1964 <-- custom field
* https://toolset.com/forums/topic/calculating-dates/
toolset_snippet_security_check() or die( 'Direct access is not allowed' );
* Calculate age (in years) from date field
* specified as shortcode attribute 'slug'
add_shortcode( 'age', function( $atts = [], $content = null ){
// provide defaults
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'slug' => null
$age = '';
if ( isset( $atts['slug'] ) ) {
global $post;
$timestamp = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'wpcf-' . $atts['slug'], true );
$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y", $timestamp);
$now = new DateTime();
$diff = $now->diff( $dateTime );
$age = $diff->y;
return $age;
I then want to some how have a drop down menu filter to show, based on that short-code value (as it changes relative to the current year).
> 1 year Experience
> 2 year Experience
> 3 year Experience
> 4 year Experience
> 6 year Experience
> 7 year Experience
> 8 year Experience
> 9 year Experience
> 10 year Experience
> 11 year Experience
> 12 year Experience
> 13 year Experience
> 14 year Experience
> 15 year Experience
> 16 year Experience
> 17 year Experience
> 18 year Experience
> 19 year Experience
> 20 year+ Experience
I just cant understand how i create a drop down filter to work like this... any examples would be helpful, Ive read the doco on wpv_filter_query but I am more confused.
I assume the custom field "the year that someone got a qualification" stores value as below:
- 2000
- 2010
If it is, there isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins, as I mentioned above it needs custom codes, but according to our support policy, we don't provide custom codes support:
Q1) are there any examples of how
There an example in the document I mentioned above:
But it shows only for how to use filter hook wpv_filter_query, there isn't exact example for your case.
Q2) I just cant understand how i create a drop down filter to work like this
You can setup the drop down menu with HTML codes manually, for example:
enlace oculto
You might check it with our Toolset Contractors: