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[Resuelto] Sum filesize of all images attached to a certain post type

This support ticket is created hace 4 años, 5 meses. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

This is the technical support forum for Toolset - a suite of plugins for developing WordPress sites without writing PHP.

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Supporter timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)


Este tema contiene 16 respuestas, tiene 3 mensajes.

Última actualización por Lara hace 4 años, 4 meses.

Asistido por: Waqar.


Tell us what you are trying to do?

I try to sum up the filesizes of all images attached to a certain post type of the currently logged-in user. The images stem from a repeating image field... It should only output posts, when the custom select field "rask-welches-journal-termine" has the value 6

add_shortcode( 'filesize_sum_user', 'calc_func' );

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',

//if it returns some posts
        if( $all_posts ){
            //Start the count on 0
        $single_posts_value_sum = 0;

            //now get the single posts fields values 
            foreach( $all_posts as $single_post ){ 
                //get each Posts post data
                $single_post_data = get_post($single_post);
                //get each ID
                $single_post_id = $single_post_data->ID;
                                //get each posts field value
  $value_images_array = get_post_meta($post->ID,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
  foreach($value_images_array as $value_images){
   $image_filesize_sum = 0;
   $image_filesize = filesize( get_attached_file( $atts['attachment_id'] )
   $image_filesize_sum+= $image_filesize; 

       //we need to sum this up BEFORE the if is closed and BEFORE the foreach is closed
                //Sum the values all posts fields
                $single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum; 
return size_format($single_posts_value_sum); //return summed value

Is there any documentation that you are following?

Is there a similar example that we can see?

What is the link to your site?
enlace oculto


I try to sum up the filesizes of all images and all videos attached to a certain post type of the currently logged-in user. The images and the videos stem from a repeating image field and from a repeating video field ... It should only output posts, when the custom select field "rask-welches-journal-termine" has the value 6

It should output something like:
'You already used ' . $single_posts_value_sum_KB . ' KB of your allowed memory.'
I try to prevent, that the user of my website abuse my memory through uploading unlimited videos and pictures. I also thought about changing it in a way, that only the number will be returned ($single_posts_value_sum_KB) and then use it in conditionals to prevent further picture and video uploads, if the user exceed his/her limit.

I changed the code into ...

add_shortcode( 'filesize_sum_user', 'calc_func' );

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',

//if it returns some posts
        if( $all_posts ){
            //Start the count on 0
        $single_posts_value_sum = 0;

            //now get the single posts fields values 
            foreach( $all_posts as $single_post ){ 
                //get each Posts post data
                $single_post_data = get_post($single_post);
                //get each ID
                $single_post_id = $single_post_data->ID;
                                //get each posts field value

//Custom Field A                 
$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($post->ID,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
$image_filesize_sum_a = 0;
foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a){
//URL of the remote file that you want to get
//the file size of. 
$remoteFile_a = $atts['file_url'];
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_a = get_headers($remoteFile_a, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_a = array_change_key_case($headers);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_a = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
    $fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];

   $image_filesize_sum_a+= $filesize_a; 

//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_a; 
//Custom Field B              
$value_images_array_b = get_post_meta($post->ID,'wpcf-rask-video', false);
$image_filesize_sum_b = 0;
foreach($value_images_array_b as $value_images_b){
//URL of the remote file that you want to get
//the file size of. 
$remoteFile_b = $atts['file_url'];
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_b = get_headers($remoteFile_b, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_b = array_change_key_case($headers);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_b = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
    $fileSize_b = $headers_b['content-length'];

   $image_filesize_sum_b+= $filesize_b; 
//we need to sum this up BEFORE the if is closed and BEFORE the foreach is closed

//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_b; 
//Convert it into KB
$single_posts_value_sum_KB = round($single_posts_value_sum / 1024);
return 'You already used ' . $single_posts_value_sum_KB . ' KB of your allowed memory.';

It does no longer produce an error message, but it outputs nothing ...


Hello, if the custom select field was created in Types, the field slug must include "wpcf-" in your code here:

'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',

Beyond that, we would need to turn on debugging and add some debug information into the logs to see what is going on. If you're not familiar with debug logging, I can show you how to activate a log temporarily. Go in your wp-config.php file and look for

define('WP_DEBUG', false);

Change it to:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

Then add these lines, just after the WP_DEBUG line:

define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
@ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );

Then you can add error_log statements in your code to help monitor execution. For example:

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',
error_log('printing all posts: ' );
error_log(print_r($all_posts, true));

Then you would find logged information in an error_log.txt file in the root of your site after the shortcode is executed.


Many thanks Christian.

After I changed ... in the way you suggested ....

'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',

... it started to "execute" the code and the next two problems surfaced ...

I received the following error notice:

"Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 45 and on line 86 .." ....

foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a)
foreach($value_images_array_b as $value_images_b)

It means that $post-ID is not a valid post reference in the get_post_meta call. Your code does not specify the $post variable anywhere as far as I can tell.

$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($post->ID,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);

Maybe you meant $single_post_id instead of $post->ID here?


Ups, yes you are right. I meant $single_post_id instead of $post->ID ...
I adjusted the code and also added the following ....

extract( shortcode_atts( array('file_url_a' => '',), $atts ) );
extract( shortcode_atts( array('file_url_b' => '',), $atts ) );

Because it complained, that I forgot to specify, where the "file_url" comes from..

Now I have to questions:
1. Can I change it in a way that ...

$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
$value_images_array_b = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-video', false);

... also will be extracted from the shortcode? Or is it too complicated?

2. Not all of those posts have images and videos attached. Unfortunatelly get_headers() is not allowed to be empty. Can you suggest an easy way, how I could change it in a way, that it will only executed, if it's not empty?

The adjusted code snipped:

add_shortcode( 'filesize_sum_user', 'calc_func' );

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',

//if it returns some posts
        if( $all_posts ){
            //Start the count on 0
        $single_posts_value_sum = 0;

            //now get the single posts fields values 
            foreach( $all_posts as $single_post ){ 
                //get each Posts post data
                $single_post_data = get_post($single_post);
                //get each ID
                $single_post_id = $single_post_data->ID;
                                //get each posts field value

//Custom Field A      

extract( shortcode_atts( array('file_url_a' => '',), $atts ) );
$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
$image_filesize_sum_a = 0;
foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a){
//URL of the remote file that you want to get
//the file size of. 
$remoteFile_a = $atts['file_url_a'];
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_a = get_headers($remoteFile_a, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_a = array_change_key_case($headers);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_a = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
    $fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];

   $image_filesize_sum_a+= $filesize_a; 

//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_a; 
//Custom Field B    
extract( shortcode_atts( array('file_url_b' => '',), $atts ) );              
$value_images_array_b = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-video', false);
$image_filesize_sum_b = 0;
foreach($value_images_array_b as $value_images_b){
//URL of the remote file that you want to get
//the file size of. 
$remoteFile_b = $atts['file_url_b'];
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_b = get_headers($remoteFile_b, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_b = array_change_key_case($headers);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_b = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
    $fileSize_b = $headers_b['content-length'];

   $image_filesize_sum_b+= $filesize_b; 
//we need to sum this up BEFORE the if is closed and BEFORE the foreach is closed

//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_b; 
//Convert it into KB
$single_posts_value_sum_KB = round($single_posts_value_sum / 1024);
return 'You already used ' . $single_posts_value_sum_KB . ' KB of your allowed memory.';

The adjusted shortcode:

[filesize_sum_user file_url_a="[types field='rask-bilder' output='raw' link='true'][/types]" file_url_b="[types field='rask-video' output='raw' link='true'][/types]"]

1. Can I change it in a way that ...wpcf-rask-bilder and wpcf-rask-video ... also will be extracted from the shortcode? Or is it too complicated?
I'm not sure I understand. Do you want to pass the field slugs into the shortcode as shortcode attributes, or pass in the array produced by get_post_meta as a shortcode attribute? Or you want to output the arrays when you return a value from the shortcode? A little more info please.

Can you suggest an easy way, how I could change it in a way, that it will only executed, if it's not empty?
Would checking if the variable is set be helpful here?

if(isset($remoteFile_a) ) {
  $headers_a = get_headers($remoteFile_a, 1);
  // ... your code using the headers continues here

I'm not sure offhand what to expect from the variable, but this is a first guess.


Sorry, I made an error in reasoning. The updated code below. Still not working. $value_images_a need to be the url of the image and not the value of the image. The same applies for and $value_images_b. There it has to be the url of the video instead of the value of the video.

Error Log

[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: current_user in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] printing all posts: 
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] Array
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            [post_date] => 2020-10-03 23:17:08
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            [post_date] => 2020-09-22 13:11:36
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            [post_date] => 2020-09-21 13:14:14
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            [post_date] => 2020-09-20 19:26:40
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            [post_date] => 2020-09-19 19:12:32
            [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-19 17:12:32
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            [post_title] => CRED Auto Draft e170ea95324f01609b61ab5c3bd6d76e
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[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_b in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 126
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:56 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: current_user in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:57 UTC] printing all posts: 
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[05-Oct-2020 21:37:58 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_b in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 126
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:58 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:58 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:58 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:58 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: current_user in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 18
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] printing all posts: 
[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] Array
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            [post_date] => 2020-09-01 04:10:41
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            [post_title] => CRED Auto Draft e6a3908759405ec839b7140c2a63027a
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            [post_title] => CRED Auto Draft e6a3908759405ec839b7140c2a63027a
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    [40] => WP_Post Object
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            [post_date] => 2020-08-20 00:08:29
            [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-19 22:08:29
            [post_content] => 
            [post_title] => CRED Auto Draft 7aa96aa23abb9443d71b77c9fafce273
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            [post_date] => 2020-08-18 03:43:45
            [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-18 01:43:45
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[05-Oct-2020 21:37:59 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_b in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 126
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:00 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:00 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:00 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:00 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:00 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:01 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:01 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81
[05-Oct-2020 21:38:01 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 81

add_shortcode( 'filesize_sum_user', 'calc_func' );

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',


error_log('printing all posts: ' );
error_log(print_r($all_posts, true));
//if it returns some posts
        if( $all_posts ){
            //Start the count on 0
        $single_posts_value_sum = 0;

            //now get the single posts fields values 
            foreach( $all_posts as $single_post ){ 
                //get each Posts post data
                $single_post_data = get_post($single_post);
                //get each ID
                $single_post_id = $single_post_data->ID;
                                //get each posts field value

//Custom Field A      

$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
$image_filesize_sum_a = 0;  
foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a){
//check if 'file_url_a' is set?
if(isset($value_images_a) ) {  
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_a = get_headers($value_images_a, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_a = array_change_key_case($headers_a);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_a = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
$fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];}
$image_filesize_sum_a+= $filesize_a; 
//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_a; 


//Custom Field B      

$value_images_array_b = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-video', false);
$image_filesize_sum_b = 0;  
foreach($value_images_array_b as $value_images_b){
//check if 'file_url_b' is set?
if(isset($value_images_b) ) {
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_b = get_headers($value_images_b, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_b = array_change_key_case($headers_b);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_b = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
$fileSize_b = $headers_b['content-length'];}
$image_filesize_sum_b+= $filesize_b; 
//Sum the values all posts fields
$single_posts_value_sum+= $image_filesize_sum_b; 

//end of the custom fields, close 
//Convert it into KB
$single_posts_value_sum_KB = round($single_posts_value_sum / 1024);
return 'You already used ' . $single_posts_value_sum_KB . ' KB of your allowed memory.';

Types stores the image URL as the value of an image field, or an array of URLs if the field repeats. You said that you expect $value_images_a to be the URL of an image. If it's not the URL of an image, what is it, and why? Find out by logging the value of the variable using error_log and print_r. You would also want to know what the single post ID is, to be sure you are querying the correct post's field values. Add those logs like so:

//Custom Field A      
$value_images_array_a = get_post_meta($single_post_id,'wpcf-rask-bilder', false);
error_log('Single post ID: ' . $single_post_id );
error_log('value images array a ');
error_log(print_r($value_images_array_a, true));

Hi Christian, many apologies for the delay.

#1 Error_ log 🙂 --> excerpt

[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: current_user in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 10
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'ID' of non-object in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 10

It seems like there is a problem with ...

            'author' => $current_user->ID,

on line 10.. What improvement would you suggest? It should only return posts, where the author is the currently logged in user

#2 Error_ log 🙂 --> excerpt

[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_b in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 119
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] Single post ID: 14850
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] value images array a 
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:34 UTC] Array
    [0] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>

[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 71
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] Single post ID: 14841
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] value images array a 
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] Array
    [0] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>
    [1] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>

[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 71
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 71
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] Single post ID: 14837
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] value images array a 
[08-Oct-2020 10:48:35 UTC] Array
    [0] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>
    [1] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>

It seems like there is a problem with ...

         $image_filesize_sum_b+= $filesize_b; 

on line 116.. and there is a problem with....

         $image_filesize_sum_a+= $filesize_a; 

on line 71..

It says "undefined variable". This is odd, because I defined
- $image_filesize_sum_b on line 90
- $filesize_b on line 109
- $image_filesize_sum_a on line 47
- $filesize_a on line 64

Do you have any idea, where this error stem from and how I can remove it?

By the way, sorry 🙂 my assumption, that it doesn't save the url of an image was totally wrong

#3 Error_ log 🙂 --> excerpt

[08-Oct-2020 10:49:17 UTC] PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'select' in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/pferdejournal_uhrzeiten.php on line 11
[08-Oct-2020 10:49:17 UTC] PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'select' in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/betreuugs-und-trainingsjournal-expiration.php on line 12

It seems like there is a problem with ...

   'meta_query' => array(

on line 11 and 12.. What improvement would you suggest? It's a select field. It should only return posts, where the "Custom field content" equals "6"


#1 on line 10.. What improvement would you suggest? It should only return posts, where the author is the currently logged in user]
How to get the current User ID:

#2 It says "undefined variable". This is odd, because I defined
- $filesize_b on line 109
- $filesize_a on line 64
Do you have any idea, where this error stem from and how I can remove it?

My guess is $headers_a['content-length'] is undefined, and that's why the variable becomes undefined.

$fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];

#3 Not sure, I can't see anything in your code example that include the text "select".


Regarding #3

The select field (wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine) is here:

function calc_func( $atts ){
// get all Posts of your type
        $all_posts = get_posts(array(
            'numberposts'   => -1,
            'post_type'     => 'rask',
            'author' => $current_user->ID,
            'meta_query' => array(
                       'key'   => 'wpcf-rask-welches-journal-termine',
                       'value' => '6',

#1 is solved 🙂 🙂 🙂

Regarding #2:

[08-Oct-2020 17:32:45 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 82
[08-Oct-2020 17:32:46 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: filesize_a in /homepages/8/d747311993/htdocs/clickandbuilds/Cuteberry/wp-content/toolset-customizations/sum_media_file_sizes_of_a_specific_user.php on line 82
[08-Oct-2020 17:32:46 UTC] Single post ID: 14821
[08-Oct-2020 17:32:46 UTC] value images array a 
[08-Oct-2020 17:32:46 UTC] Array
    [0] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>
    [1] => <em><u>enlace oculto</u></em>

How do I grab the url "enlace oculto" ? Through "$value_images_a" on line 3 (see code below) ? It seems like the url is there, but I do the wrong thing - and as a result I can't grab it...


//check if 'file_url_a' is set?
if(!empty($value_images_array_a) ) {                  
foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a){
//Get the header response for the file in question.
$headers_a = get_headers($value_images_a, 1);

//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
//of consistency.
$headers_a = array_change_key_case($headers_a);

//Set to -1 by default.
$fileSize_a = -1;

//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
//the array before attempting to access it.
$fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];}

//Sum the values all posts fields  
$single_posts_value_sum+= $filesize_a; 

Hi Lara,

Thank you for waiting and I'll be following up on this ticket, as Christian is on a holiday.

In the code snippet from your last message, I found the following issues:

a). At line# 15 & 20, you've used $fileSize_a but in the line# 23, you've used $filesize_a.
( PHP variables are case-sensitive: enlace oculto )

b). At line# 23, you're adding into $single_posts_value_sum which is not previously defined.

c). The code that sums the values all posts fields (i.e. lines 22 & 23) should be inside the "isset" check at line# 19:

foreach($value_images_array_a as $value_images_a){

	//Get the header response for the file in question.
	$headers_a = get_headers($value_images_a, 1);

	//Convert the array keys to lower case for the sake
	//of consistency.
	$headers_a = array_change_key_case($headers_a);
	//Set to -1 by default.
	$fileSize_a = -1;
	//Set to 0 by default.
	$single_posts_value_sum = 0;
	//Check to see if the content-length key actually exists in
		//the array before attempting to access it.
			$fileSize_a = $headers_a['content-length'];
			//Sum the values all posts fields  
			$single_posts_value_sum+= $fileSize_a; 

Important note: As much as we would like to help, 1-1 custom code troubleshooting is beyond the scope of support that we provide over the forum.
( ref: )

For community-based, assistance around general PHP and WordPress customizations, we'll encourage to use the dedicated forums, like:

And for more personalized assistance around custom code, you can also consider hiring a professional from our list of recommended contractors:



Many thanks Waqar for your suggestions.
They did the trick. The code is working now as expected.

Is it ok, if I share here the final solution with a little explanation, how it has to be set up, so that other Toolset users can benefit as well? I can imagine, that...

"I try to prevent, that the user of my website abuse my memory through uploading unlimited videos and pictures. I also thought about changing it in a way, that only the number will be returned ($single_posts_value_sum_KB) and then use it in conditionals to prevent further picture and video uploads, if the user exceed his/her limit."

... is not only a problem, that I struggled with 🙂

Thanks again to you both, Christian and Waqar