When I add the pagination and I set the setting to be centered on the page it doesn't work. How can I fix that?
To troubleshoot and suggest a fix for this, I'll need to see how this view and the pagination is set up.
Can you please share a link to the page where this view can be seen?
Sure, it's the frontpage - see this link: enlace oculto
It is just a testsite, but we are building everything up here and then moving it later.
Thank you for sharing the link.
In the toolbar above the "Pagination" block, you'll see the option to set the alignment.
( screenshot: enlace oculto )
Please select "Align center" and the entire pagination block will be centered.
Hi there,
I already made those settings. See the screenshot where the backend looks right and the frontend looks like nothing changed. None of my changes are being applied.
Thank you for sharing the screenshots and the admin access.
During the investigation, I noticed that some CSS styles from the theme are overriding the pagination styles on the website.
( those styles are coming from this file: yourwebsite.com/wp-content/themes/dt-the7/css/main.min.css )
To fix this, you can include the following CSS code in the view's "Custom CSS" field:
.js-wpv-view-layout .wpv-pagination-nav-links.aligncenter {
display: flex;
thanks, it seems to work 🙂
Thanks for the update and glad that it works.
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved and for each new question or concern, please start a new ticket.