Thank you, Jordan, for the credentials access. I was able to log in and be familiar with your current setup.
But, I'll still need to understand your workflow a bit in order to better help you. I do see the forms for creating submissions, but I was not able to find out where the form is used. I visited the "Key Populations" page and an assignment page, but the form is not there.
- enlace oculto
- enlace oculto
I understand that you want to track submissions for each "Key Population Role" user, and you want the submissions to be ordered, they need to submit the first, in order to submit the second and so on until they submit the whole 7, right?
But, I wonder, how would you like that to be:
- Using a special page? Let's say "My submissions" or "My assignments"?
- From an account page?
- From the Assignment page?
Please provide a URL or more details, so I can be sure to give the appropriate advice or help/example.
- Right now, the forms allow submitting of data but the submissions all have the same title and both forms are displaying information back to the submitter on a page that should apply to the first assignment only.
Can you show me where? Or record a short video for me to understand better?
- I'd like a link at the top of each assignment submitted to link to the next assignment, ideally based on the assignment order field...and also a link for the previous assignment.
This may be tricky a bit. Let's work on it later.
- I would like a front end page for any logged in Key Population user to be able to see a list of all of their assignment submissions.
Create a page that will serve this purpose. Inside of the page, create a view block and configure it to display submissions filtered by the author being the current logged in user
Let me know if you want an example.
Another problem I am having is that the text editor on the Content Template pages is not showing up in the block editor which is making it challenging to edit my text within blocks.
I don't understand what do you mean? What texts would you like to edit? Can you elaborate more?