Thank you, that seems very useful..
Let me share some more details, and maybe you can recommend the best way to go about things.
What I'm building is a site to manage the data on people who have received grants..
- There will be a profile for each grantee
- They will have logins to regularly come in and put in a status report
- The profile and accounts will be created by the website managers
- These status reports will display on their profile in a section, using Views probably.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep these all linked together properly.
I hope this makes more sense?
I think it is possible within Toolset plugins, for example you can try these:
1) Setup some user fields:
2) Create a post types: status report
3) After user log into your website, redirect them to a page "Profile", in this page display user fields + below post view:
- Query "status report" posts,
- Filter by post's author is current logged in user:
4) In above "Profile" page, you can display a Toolset form for creating new "status report" post:
That seemed promising, but I think I'm missing something..
I've created User fields for all address, email, phone date needed..
Then, I have a profile CPT
Then, using Layouts to try and create a layout for Profiles, I don't get how to have it display the proper user's profile..
I've never used the USER fields before, so I may be missing something simple. But when I try to insert the First name from User fields, for example, I get this: enlace oculto ??
Are you using the latest version of Toolset plugins?
I have tried it in my localhost with a fresh wordpress installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins, with below steps:
1) Create a custom user field
2) Create a wordpress page, insert above user field into page content, I can see there is an option "The current logged in user"
See screenshot insert-user-field.JPG
This option will add attribute user_current="true" into Types shortcode, for example:
[types usermeta='test-s1' current_user='true'][/types]
You can download the latest version of Toolset plugins here:
If you are going to insert the [wpv-user] shortcode, please use the first option "The current user or the one being displayed in a View loop", it will insert below shortcode without other attributes:
[wpv-user field="user_firstname"]
and can output current logged in user information.
See our document:
If the shortcode is inside a Views user query, it will display information for the user found in loop. Otherwise it will display information for the current logged-in user or the user with the specific id, when id attribute is set.
The profile is meant to be brought up by the user, but also the site managers..
How would they then pick the right profile?
Ohhh A filtered search? On the Username? So that means the profile would need to be a view?
Yes, you are right, for site managers, you can setup a user view.
But user view does not support custom search form yet, however we have a plan to apply this feature, but I am not sure when will it be released.
So, I'm back to my original request from my previous ticket then. How do I link a profile CPT to a user account? Right?
Which one is the your previous ticket?
For the question: How do I link a profile CPT to a user account?
You can link the profile CPT with WordPress users by this:
Setup the "profile" post's author as different WordPress users, each WordPress user can have only one "profile" post.
For example:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Post types, find and edit "profile" post type, in section "Sections to display when editing", enable option "Author".
When you edit a single "profile" post, you will be able to setup the post's author as different users, see document:
Ok, I'm now trying to implement what we've discussed here.. So far so good.
So I've created a "Create New User" user form.
When this form is submitted, it redirects to a page with the "Create New Profile" form.
So I'm stuck on 2 things..
1) I'd like to pass on the Firstname, Lastname and Email from the newly created WP User profile, to pre-fill equivalent fields on the profile.
2) I'd like the "Create New Profile" firm to have a dropdown to pick the user for whom it's creating a profile.
For the new questions, please check the new thread here: