Problem with the translation of the Toolset View block.
The texts of the Toolset View block can be translated with the WPML editor, but then they are not displayed on the page.
Watch the following video: enlace oculto
The page is: enlace oculto
Thanks for your help.
Anyway, I attempted a translation, and I saw half the content translated, half not, and the page wasn't marked as translated, it did, however, create a page in the secondary language (where I saw only half the translations done)
I have done this test on purpose on a old install, that was updated.
So now I'll have to figure out the precise steps that lead to what (possibly many) precise issues and report those to the developers.
They will be looking at eventual issues next week. If you have anything that can help to precisely narrow down steps or issues, please share it with me. I will be working on several tests now about this for the next 1,5 hours and then Tuesday again.
Francisco, I have made further tests and found at least 5 issues.
1. Things in Views built with Blocks cannot be translated only by translating the page like our DOC (https://toolset.com/documentation/translating-sites-built-with-toolset/translating-content-templates-wordpress-archives-and-views/) states.
Strings seem to appear in String Translation (ST), and whether this is a DOC or code issue is unclear - I will update you when I know
2. In ST you'll not see only the one string of the view (like a submit button string), but also its autosave, revision, preview and other types of "temporary" post status - which should not appear there. This should be a bug in Blocks or WPML and we'll look into this.
3. When translating with ATE I saw sometimes truncated strings. This happens for example in a text search placeholder, which will appear truncated in ATE. We will look into this issue.
4. It appears to me that even if translating the strings from #1, those won't appear as translated in the front end.
5. The strings translated for some items in the views (placeholder, for example) aren't appearing as translated on the front end
There is some DOC tuning to do, as it is not fully clear how to proceed given all the above. I will inform the responsible department of this.
However, the Loop items as you show, they were A) translatable in ATE, and B) they did in fact show up properly translated.
Also ordering options, and there-like.
But, it will only work if there is as well translated content (for the loop to be populated in both languages).
If your content (the content shown by that the View, the posts) is translated, then strings added to the main view's loop, blocks, etc, will be in ATE and translatable from there and appear as translated.
However, not above 5 points where it fails.
If the issue you experience persists, after making sure it's none of above, can you send me a copy of the site where I can see this?
I may be missing something that then I can add to the list of to do's for the developers.
Thanks for the extensive explanation, although I have not understood much of what you were talking about. I believe that all are your problems.
Neither the elements within the loop, nor the external elements work, at least I have not been able to make them work in the traditional way. Being Toolset and WPML of the same company this should work great.
Now you want everything done through Toolset Blocks, so this should be fully studied to work with WPML.
If you find a way to make this work correctly, please indicate the detailed steps.
I have made a backup with Duplicator, you can login in my dashboard and download them directly.
I will give you the username and password when I can send them here.
Hi Beda,
With the WPML support team I have also been investigating this problem and have come to the conclusion that the following texts:
Limpiar todos los filtros
are not shown in the Translation editor, so they cannot be translated.
And in addition the texts of the Block View Toolset can be translated, but if the DIVI theme is active, the translation is not shown in the front-end, the translation must be done having some other theme active and then re-activate DIVI, so which seems to be a problem of interaction with DIVI.
Look at the ticket I opened in WPML: https://wpml.org/forums/topic/problem-with-the-translation-of-the-toolset-view-block/
Now, I don't know if the problem will be Toolset Blocks, DIVI, WPML or the conjunction of all of them.
What can be done?
Thanks to the ticket you shared now, I can see that most likely what stopped me from replicating the very issue you reported initially was that I did (as the test was between WPML and Toolset) not use Divi.
Now that I know to use Divi I will try this as well, and most likely be able to confirm the issue as the Support in WPML already did.
We will then address this as well.
Please **refrain* from translating them there just yet as we do not know if this is the right approach.
2. It's recommended to use ATE, with that, the loop content translated, but not so many other things, each of which I reported.
It seems, as you state, the texts of the Block View Toolset can be translated, but if the DIVI theme is active, the translation is not shown in the front-end, the translation must be done having some other theme active and then re-activate DIVI, so which seems to be a problem of interaction with DIVI which you reported to https://wpml.org/forums/topic/problem-with-the-translation-of-the-toolset-view-block/
I am in contact with the WPML support team to look into this.
I already confirmed with Marcel that he can replicate this and hence, it should be just a matter of creating the fix for it or inform Divi if needed. We will take care of this as well.
3. I am pressing for solutions and will keep you in the loop, but I cannot promise an immediate fix.
The new plugin versions released yesterday (together with the recent related WPML updates) feature new workflows for translating that should resolve these issues.
From the Toolset plugins registration page in your site backend if you do not see the update notice click the "Check for updates" button, or you can download the latest versions from toolset.com/account/downloads