Hi Waqar,
Much appreciated. I think there is merit in seeing an improvement in the documentation. I would even go as far as saying that a YouTube channel dedicated to many of the complex use cases that we see solved in the support tickets would be a boon for Toolset.
As it is I am not sure how serious the proprietors of Toolset are in where it is going into the future. To this end I have looked closely at alternatives and none seem to match the span of possibilities that can be achieved with Toolset. As well as this, having tested convesion of some of my CPT's, custom fields and relationships, to something like ACF, all is not easily replicated.
The Blocks implementation was something that couldn't be ignored but ultimatley it's the Gutenburg underpinings of the blcok editor that fails many third party software vendors trying to mould it to something that can be used broadly, which is why the old school Toolset Types and Views is valuable for many of us and I think in this respect there is plenty of life in the old dog.
Looking to documentation and a YouTube channel for education, on my own site there are some complex configurations of views via partial templates. In this example, if you scroll down the page there is a view that show the sibling prints of the print in the the post instance:
enlace oculto
From memeory I had to tease out the solution to this via Toolset support, the solution being a view, filtered on the the parent relationship and then place in a templated before insertion in the main post template. The twist was the adition of the following into the shorcode to make it work:
print-year_print being the relationship slug and .parent being some sort of appendix instruction?
Final result: [wpv-post-body item="@print-year_print.parent" view_template="year-prints"]
I don't mind having to do this type of shortcoding. It's worth it for the final result. What's stranhe is that, having scoured the Toolset webisite, I can't find this solution documented.
Also in views querying filter there are many options, see screenshot. I would love to see all the great things that some of the other options afford?
I am seeing great education around the Bricks Builder and much of this is via YouTube. I think that this is the wayto go to espose what great software can do.