I am trying to:
Not lose my Beaver Builder template styling when an AJAX filter selection has been made
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
enlace oculto and
enlace oculto
I expected to see:
The formatting you see when you first see the page load (white background etc)
Instead, I got:
A basic text list of the same content
Hi, our team is aware of an issue that was introduced in a recent release. AJAX updates for Views are causing styles to be lost in CTs created with Beaver Builder. We have issued an erratum post and will continue our investigation into a permanent solution for this problem. At this time, the only workaround available is to use standard CSS classes and style definitions instead of applying styles to rows or blocks in Beaver Builder.
Hi, please find the latest version of Types and Views available for download at https://toolset.com/account/downloads. These will be available for automatic update shortly. The latest version includes a fix for the problem where Beaver Builder designs are lost during AJAX pagination. Please let me know if the problem is not completely resolved after you update.