I am using DIVI 4.
You gave me some instructions to configure DIVI and use it with Toolset, but now I can't use gutenberg to build a page. Before I could select which editor I wanted to use DIVI or blocks.
The page on which I want to use blocks is:
enlace oculto
How can I do it?
Thanks for your help.
Hello, I don't recall being able to do that in the past with Toolset but I will check to see if it is possible. Can you clarify for me? Are you saying that you were able to choose Gutenberg or Divi to build a page before you activated Toolset? Or you were able to use Gutenberg or Divi to build a page before updating to Divi 4, or setting the Divi configurations recommended by Toolset? If I can replicate the problem I'll be able to ask for more information. Thanks!
Hi Christian,
After changing "DIVI settings" to make Toolset work correctly with DIVI I can no longer select DIVI or gutenberg to edit a page, post, ...
You can test any WordPress installation with DIVI and Toolset installed and disabling "Last DIVI experience" and enabling "Classic Editor" in DIVI Settings.
Thanks for your help.
You would have to disable Classic Editor in Divi Settings if you want to use the Gutenberg-style editor to design a page. Then you would be able to select either the Divi Editor or the Gutenberg-style editor.
HI Christian,
But Waqar told me that in order to work properly Toolset with DIVI I had to have the classic editor enabled. I had another problem and Waqar told me that I had to have it enabled to properly select the fields.
It cannot be that for some things it is necessary to have it activated and for others not.
That would be to go crazy. 🙁
Yes, that is correct, you cannot use both the full shortcode interface and the Gutenberg-style editor together when the Classic Editor is deactivated. It is a limitation in the current system. Until the software is changed, or some better workaround is discovered, the better option ( in my opinion ) is to activate the Classic Editor. Then work around the shortcode interface limitation as much as you can. You can generate shortcodes in a site with Classic Editor deactivated, then copy + paste them into the Gutenberg enabled site. You can write shortcodes manually. It's not a good solution, but it's what I can offer you right now until the software is changed.
One other thing you can do now is submit a feature request for adding support for both the Gutenberg-style editor and the full shortcode interface without changing the Classic Editor settings. This is one way to let our management team know you cannot work effectively in the current system and it must be improved: https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/
Well. I have already opened a ticket in the suggestion section, although I have little hope because lately you do not make any improvement in relation to DIVI.
Thanks for the help Christian.
You're welcome, I hope the integration can be improved for you and other Divi users.