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How to filter posts to only show posts with a date field set to tomorrow?
Date fields are saved as timestamps (the number of seconds since 1970) and so the filter needs to compare the field as a number, which in this case should be equal to FUTURE_DAY of 1, i.e. one day forward, or tomorrow.
Date fields are stored as timestamps (the number of seconds since 1970) and so refer to a point in time—measured in seconds—not to a range of time such as a day.
To capture dates that correspond to "tomorrow" you need to compare BETWEEN future_day = 1 (effectively midnight tonight) and future_day = 2 (effectively midnight tomorrow).
If you go to Toolset > Settings > Front-end Content you can turn on full debug mode for Views, which will launch a pop-up when you load a page with a View that you can use to check the query arguments as well as the resulting MySQL query.
Can you expand the section for wpv_filter_query and paste what it shows when you use the filters as I described?
I can see why it's not working. The meta_query added for your date field contains the slug without a wpcf- prefix, i.e. has a key = "arrival-date".
I would assume this is a non-Types field, except you have an ordering clause where I can see that it does include the wpcf-prefix.
Is there anything odd about your date field to explain this?
Might there be custom field values in the database for an "arrival-date" field without the prefix (i.e. a non-Types field) and when you inserted the filter and chose the field from the drop down, there was more than one "arrival-date", one for this non-Types field and another for the Types field and you have selected the non-Types field?
Can you delete the existing filter control and re-insert it, being careful to make sure that the arrival-date field you insert comes from the expected field group and isn't some stray post meta that has an entry in the database with the arrival-date slug?
Using a toolset such as enlace oculto you can convert those timestamps in the query to dates, which shows the comparison is between 2019-06-18 00:00:00 and 2019-06-19 00:00:00, so should be returning posts with an arrival date of June 18.
I'll need to do some extra testing to clarify how BETWEEN handles dates that are equal, but it would also be helpful to know which timezone your site is set to.
I've found with the BETWEEN comparison that it's actually an inclusive between (effectively using greater than or equals and less than or equals), meaning that you shouldn't need to use it after all. (It can be helpful in circumstances where your timezone is different to UTC, but yours is not.)
Hence, it should work with equals.
I just tested it and it did (see my setting in the screenshot).