In wordpress Archives, I can't include a content template. Although the shortcode is there, it shows nothing. I have to copy my code out of the CT and put directly in Archive view. Is this a bug? It's been this way for a long time and on multiple sites.
Thank you for getting in touch.
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the website so that I can have a more detailed look at this for you ?
Please where applicable please provide me with a link to an example page where I can see the issue.
I've enabled the private fields for your next response.
The content template in the archive is working. It's just that you've added no content to the templates.
If you check this page below all the way at the bottom, you will see the text "content template" which i've added to the content template for this archive. enlace oculto
Based on what I see here in the output editor you cant have a content template here to load post data from the archive loop.
What I mean by this is that the output editor is designed to facilitate the structure of the archive and not the posts that it is listing out. Adding a content template here won't load any data because there isn't any post data being passed in the output editor.
Anything that requires that you display post data will need to be done inside the Loop editor or the content template for that loop editor.