i want to use Toolset View Block and Toolset WooCommerce Blocks to build just a Category Grid to display the Categorie as list or grid. after click on the link u get to the archive and see all the products.
i cant figured it out it always display the hole products instead of the categories
I understand what you're trying to achieve now. Basically you're going to list out all the categories on 1 page and then when you click that category you will be taken to the page that lists out the posts for that category.
This is going to take some amount of view manipulation and page manipulation to achieve. The main problem is with the page slug.
I'm assuming that something like this below you want to achieve. enlace oculto
The main issue is that you're not able to create a Taxonomy view with Blocks, however if you use a classic view you can use the block editor to design the output template of the view.
So if you go to Toolset -> Views then you're able to create your taxonomy view. Once you've created the taxonomy view, then you should have the option to edit the content template for the view using the block editor.
However you will need to have selected the content template option in the Loop wizard for the view as well as selected the bootstrap grid option.