Tell us what you are trying to do? We like to have an image slider. We are having one custom post type, and inside there, we are having one field with multiple images defined.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
We found some links, but not sure where exactly to start with:
Is there a similar example that we can see? Not yet, respectively, images we get are not in a slider, enlace oculto (they used to be under picture gallery).
How we can put them in a slider?
What is the link to your site?
enlace oculto
Hello, a Slider from a repeating image field will require a significant amount of custom code, as the example you shared shows:
I don't recommend trying to implement that solution unless you are comfortable writing your own custom JavaScript code. Views Sliders are designed to work by looping over posts, not custom field values. The Slider components and modules we have available are designed to work with multiple posts:
This image gallery works well with repeating image fields, but it's not a slider:
You may have more luck implementing this type of interface than trying to create a Slider out of a repeating image field.
Dear Christian Cox
Okay, understandable. Another option would be? I read something, without having repeating image fields? So where we might use by looping over posts. How do we need to set this up?
And instead of "posts" with different kind of content (text and images), we will have only images.
Yes another option is to loop over posts or custom post types, where you save each image in a single image field or as the featured image of the post. Then you will insert that image in the Content Template of the View. We have more detailed Slider documentation available here:
The information about creating thumbnail sliders could be useful:
We did not the way how the links and documents are written down. What we did, as we have revolution slider already installed, for each tour/activity, we have one RS slider, with all the settings from RS. It gives us a short code.
This short code is in a custom field from a tour, and we use the toolset shortcode to render the RS shortcode. So, we not need to be aware about all css stuff, as RS is already okay to show on different devices.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!