I have CRED posts setup to make users posts live once payment is processed, but the posts are going live when the process is aborted. I have tried multiple form settings, but can not figure out how to stop them from going live. Can you take a look and find what I'm doing wrong?
Dear Chuck,
It should be a built-in feature of CRED Commerce plugin, I suggest you follow our document to setup the CRED form and Woocommerce settings:
Using CRED Commerce to Add Payments to Forms
Section "3. What Happens when Payments Complete"
For your reference.
Yes, thanks. I have followed that tutorial and am still having trouble.
The problem you mentioned above is abnormal, please check these:
1) You are using the latest version of Toolset plugins + Woocommerce plugin, you can download them here:
2) in case there is any compatibility problem in your website, please try to deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again
3) If the problem still persists, please provide a database dump file(ZIP file) of your website in below private detail box, also point out the problem page URL and CRED form URL, I need to test and debug it in my localhost. thanks
Thanks for the details, I am downloading the file, will feedback if there is anything found
Here is what I found, you can try this:
1) Edit the CRED form "Post A Motorcycle (60 Day Listing)", in section "Settings", option "Status of content created or edited by this form:", choose "Pending Review"
2) section "Post status when the payment status updates ",
option "Purchase processing", choose "Pending Review"
option "Purchase complete", choose "Publised"
Then test the CRED form again, when user submit the CRED form, it will create a post in "Pending Review" status, when user complete the wocommerce order, the post will be change into "Publised" status, please let me know if you still need assistance for it. thanks
I just tested, here's what happened:
1. I used a sandbox account to process the payment. The transaction wen through on PayPal's end, but didn't show up in Woocommerce orders.
2. The motorcycle did not go live, it stayed pending.
Not sure what else I'm missing as I changed the settings to what you suggested above.
Another problem I'm noticing. Once checkout is complete it diverts to the cart and displays items in the cart. I'd rather it display a message, something along these lines:
<h3 class="mtn" style="text-align: center;">Success!</h3>
<p style="text-align: center;">
Your post is now live. enlace oculto">Click here to view your account, then click Manage Posts to view your motorcycle post.</p>
I wonder if the problem is that I have users checking out on the cart page instead of the checkout page? I only have them doing that because the information displayed on the checkout page is irrelevant since I'm selling a digital product and do not need all the information requested. The cart page is clean and easy for visitors to use.
Q1) The motorcycle did not go live, it stayed pending.
That might be a Wocommerce settings, you can simply change the product price to zero, and test again, then it will not need paypal, it works fine in my localhost with your database dump file.
Q2) and Q3) Can we handle question one by one? please create different thread for each question, that will help other users to find the answers.
Still having trouble with this. I can't get payment to go through and have the post go live. It gets stuck in pending. Not sure what else to try. The site is still under development, so I have no problem you accessing the real database.
In case there are other compatibility problem in your website, please check these:
1) deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme, and test again
2) Enable PHP debug mode, copy and paste the debug logs here
PHP Debugging
In case you think that Types or Views are doing something wrong (what we call a bug), you should enable PHP error logging. Again, edit your wp-config.php file and add the following:
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
This will produce a file called ‘error_log.txt’ in your WordPress root directory. Make sure that the web server can create and write this file. If it cannot, use an FTP program to create the file and make it writable to Apache (normally, user www-data).
3) If the problem still persists, please provide a test site with same problem, also point out the problem page URL and CRED form URL, I need a live website to test and debug. thanks
You are using 20+ other plugins and a custom theme, as I mentioned above, I need to check the compatibility problem, so I need your permission to:
deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme
Please backup your website database first. thanks
Luo you have permission to do anything you need.
Thanks for the details, here I have done below modification in your website:
1) deactivate other plugins and switch to wordpress default theme 2017
2) Edit the product post "60 Day Listing",
enlace oculto
setup the price value to 0, so I don't need to pay with paypal
3) Edit the checkout page:
enlace oculto
Replace the shortcode from:
It will disable [woocommerce_cart] shortcode, and display the checkout shortcode.
see woocommerce document:
[woocommerce_checkout] – shows the checkout page
4) Test the result with below steps:
a) Open URL
enlace oculto
fill the form and submit
b) it redirect me to checkout page:
enlace oculto
c) fill the checkout form, and submit, it shows success message:
Thank you. Your order has been received...
d) Go to admin side, check the "Motorcycles" lists:
enlace oculto
You will be able to see the new post is in "Pending" status
e) Go to order list, confirm the order
enlace oculto
f) check the "Motorcycles" lists again, you will be able to see the new post is in "Publisned" status
Hope it is clear.