We are ceating a directory with toolset. I have errors translating custom taxonomy:
- On wordpress archive view throws an 500 error on the translated language.
- wpv-post-taxonomy field, doens't display right the taxonomy. Instead it display
Thanks Shane. I have activated the debug but in this moment it doesn't throw any error.
About the errors.
- On wordpress archive view throws an 500 error on the translated language.
This problem is resolved. I don't know how, but this morning the problem is resolved.
- wpv-post-taxonomy field, doesn't display right the taxonomy.
This problem still doesn't I try to save again the custom types, the items, the view, the custom template, change the short code,... Seems this conection doesn't is stored correctly in multilang.
I translate all the site, forms, content templates, views,... and the problem of the custom taxonomy in multilanguage, storing with the cred from and backend persist.
The log throws this Notice:.
[01-Feb-2022 14:12:19 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /.../functions.php on line 532
In the frontend you can see one of the "artist" has no taxonomy in catalan with he has it in spanish. The problem is the same in reverse if you store something in catalan it doens't save the taxonomy in spanish.
As you can see here the category is forced in the backend and is displayed "Teatre" under the name and the end of the page in this message: Més artistes a Teatre. enlace oculto
Thank you for the links but perhaps i'm not understanding the issue fully. I see that the artist below doesn't have a category being displayed. enlace oculto
I checked and it was because there wasn't any selected on the backend. Can you provide a bit more detail on what is being displayed and what should be displayed?
Perhaps a screenshot or a screencast explaining the issue.
We have a custom taxonomy called disciplines for a custom type called Artista. Mi problem is when I save the form in the frontend or backend in any language this taxonomy not's stored in the other language.
Unless the conditional tag information is met then the items within the tag will not display anything.
If you add the <h2>[wpv-post-taxonomy type="disciplines" format="name"]</h2> shortcode outside the conditionals you will see that it does display the correct taxonomy.
It would appear that the issue was that your Post type was not set to be translatable so it wasn't being translated into your secondary languages.
I've enabled the translation on your custom Post Type and you should now be able to translate the post and the translated taxonomy should now be showing on the frontend.
The settings for making a post translatable can be found at WPML -> Settings -> Post Types Translation
I don't know what happens before that changes. That's not the behavour we need. Before this action the second language has any artist in this moment, even manual translation from the moderator. As you can see here:
enlace oculto
3 artist are visible in the loop.
enlace oculto
Here is empty.
The artists has to create the profile in one language and has to be autotranslated or replied to the other, without any translation in the backend o the frontend.