yes pls . submit as request .
I have splited a new thread and marked it as a feature request:
Setup many -to-many relationship between two post types: CPT A and CPT B
Edit a single "CPT A" post, in the relationship section, the client is requesting to:
Hide the post title column, or ability to customize the column title.
The post title is pretty much required by WordPress, when you create a Post - so that is why we need to save it anyway.
If we hide it, what are we populating it with is an automatically generated title.
Would you like to not be able to edit this?
I think it's useful to have the title column always in the relations Metabox.
Do I misunderstand the request?
Well, there you talk about RFG (Repeatable Field Groups)
So, I am confused, I am not sure where you want to hide which part optionally.
In the Posts Relationship or Repeatable Fields Groups?
Please explain your request with a few screenshots if required so we do not implement something you do not want.
OK. I do not understand what you request as a new feature.
Here,, you elaborate that the RFG (Repeatable Field Group) should give an option to rename the "default title" to "prefered title" so that we dont need to add field 2x .
There is no "Default Title" and "Preferred Title" in the RFG's.
There is however a RFG Internal Name, you can, but do not have to set that.
Then, within an RFG; you have the single fields, they just have inputs for the values.
Can you show me on a screenshot, which of those inputs you want to change - and how?
I can then maybe even suggest another approach, as I believe maybe there is a misunderstanding in the need of that Internal Title of the RFG.
It's not required.
But I will se best with some clarifications
Thank you