I see that with Relevanssi disabled the page works correctly (see screenshot).
When I activate Relevanssi it returns no results.
This page is using a View with text search.
When I visit the standard WordPress search page (enlace oculto) I see the same thing. Without Relevanssi it works correctly, with Relevanssi it returns no results.
So this appears to be a Relevanssi issue, because Views has nothing to do with the standard search page.
To make sure, I then disabled Views and checked again. With Relevanssi active and Views disabled, the standard WP search page still does not work.
You'll need to review the Relevanssi settings to see if you can identify something that might cause this problem (I'm not an expert in Relevanssi), and if not contact Relevanssi for support about the issue, there is nothing more I can do here, I'm afraid.
Oh, you have other filters on the page as well as the text search (they are hidden in a dropdown).
Well, once again, the reason is "that your query takes no account of the filters that have been applied, so why should the results be any different each time the shortcode is run?".
I showed how you can update your shortcodes so that the custom queries you make to count the service and service provider posts are updated to include the same text search in the query, you will need to do something similar so that any filters that are applied to the View are also included in your custom queries (you will need to apply the same meta_query argument).
Writing and debugging custom code is outside our support policy.
I've already given you a big head start on improving your custom shortcodes so that they react to a text search, and what is required to respond to any other filters applied is very similar.
If there is a quiet spell in the queue and I have some time I will take another look and suggest some updates.