I've created
Parks | Caravans | CRMs (Customers) | Notes - Custom Post Types
I've Created the following relationships
Parks > Caravans
Parks > Notes
Caravans > CRMs
Caravans > Notes
CRMs > Notes
I've noticed that the relationships have started to get confused.
When linking a certain post to another post, I've noticed, there's a ghost post linked which wasn't linked by myself manually.
It would be much easier for you to see for yourself if you could give me access to private fields?
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Sure, let me set up a private reply.
Can you be sure to give clear steps of how to see the problem?
Just to add Nigel,
enlace oculto
There are a whole string of items which shouldn't be connected here.
Thank you for sharing the admin access and these details.
I noticed that in the 3 views used in these 3 pages that you referenced, the post-relationship query was set to use "any" relationship. I've updated the query filters to use the correct relationships and now only correctly connected items are showing.
1. View: (Customer) Show Caravans ( ID: 26107 )
Relationship: CRMs Viewed Caravans
2. View: (Vcaravan) Customer Notes ( ID: 26462 )
Relationship: Viewed Caravans Customer Notes
3. View: (BPark) Show Caravans ( ID: 26125 )
Relationship: Backend Parks Viewed Caravans
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
AMAZING, an oversight on my part, thank you soo much!