To be fair I have never seen the pointer work and just forgot about it, however now we're nearing the end of this sidte design I'm going over all the small bits.
Taken all the additional styling CSS from the view, there's still no point. Check it out and see.
I took another detailed look at the issue and found that the problem is coming from the elementor container with the F in it. See Screenshot
The boundaries of the letter is overflowing into the dropdown options which is causing the issue. Based on this I see it only affecting the Guests and Pets filter but no the destination filter.
Removing the F from the page would resolve the issue as i've tested this.
We we knew of the absolute settings in the F, that we can fix using negative margins.
Ok, check it out: enlace oculto
Lower down to demonstrate the issue still exists, no F.
When you hover over the drop-down fields still no pointer. You get this when you hover over the search button but never have had this over the fields. Why?
How odd that I noticed this over the weekend on another site and this reminded me of this.
To be fair I didn't know this. Really sorry to take up your time on something that is standard and my lack of understanding in this is obvious. I just thought the hand pointer 'was' standard.
Appears not to be the case.
Again sorry for this and appreciate your time as always 🙂