I am trying to: On Mobile, I want to put the search and reset button next to each other. I tried adding CSS to the div with no luck. I added the width 50% and the display: in-line block.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: Using your phone, just go to the home page enlace oculto
I expected to see: The buttons next to each other.
Instead, I got: One below the other.
I don't think it will be easy to do this with just one Reset button because of the HTML structure. Instead, I would wrap the bottom Reset button in a div with CSS that hides it at smaller screen sizes. Then add an additional reset button next to the search button, and wrap it in a div with CSS that hides it at large screen sizes. It's okay to have more than one reset button in the markup. Bootstrap has responsive utility classes that can help: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/css/#responsive-utilities
For example, this is only visible on extra small screens like phones:
<div class="visible-xs-block">[wpv-filter-reset output="bootstrap"]</div>
Christian, I have two Views, one for computer and another for mobile.
For the mobile View, I was able to add this CSS code below and got the results I wanted by using inline and float.
.inline {
display: inline-block;
.floatright {
float: right;
Thank you!
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!