I have a custom post template displaying a "related posts" dynamic view.
The view must display :
1- a filter with a checkbox for each term of the current post ;
2- a list of all posts having at least one common term with the current post.
What would be the best way to build this with Views ?
Thank you.
Hello and thank you,
I didn't know this was doable !
Nevertheless, I've tried it here but it didn't work : enlace oculto
The query keeps display ALL terms of ALL taxonomies..
Thank you.
Ok so now I have a full understanding of the situation.
You also want the view frontend filters to also function so that you can filter through the posts on the frontend by the same taxonomies?
If so then it won't be possible to have the frontend filters working while having those same filter parameters be filtering by the current post.
You can only do one at a time. Currently my advise would've made you set your filters to filter the view by the current page that it is on.
So in summary you can't have both at the same time. If you're having your view filtered by the current page and still want to have the frontend filters then you need to filter your view by other parameters than these taxonomies.