[Resuelto] Limi to create posts by user and unexpected results
Este hilo está resuelto. Aquí tiene una descripción del problema y la solución.
The user would like to limit posts creations for users.
It turned out that the function "u_product_count" returned 5 for the user "croqueteria". Because the "numberposts" was not passed to get_posts, I would expect the function to return 10, from Settings->Reading, but for some reason it returns only 5.
I updated the code to introduce the "numberposts" equal to -1, to return all posts, and it worked form.
function u_product_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_product_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'producte',
//all posts
numberposts' => -1,
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_product_count;
Hello Jamal. I explain you the problem. I have a custom functions to limits pots by role. I have 2 roles gratuit (free) and premium. Gratuit can submit limited number of custom posts (40 productes - 40 wines - 2 menus). I have the following funcionts:
*Count posts of given type, so each user can create post only [desired number of posts] posts
function u_post_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_post_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'negoci',
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
'numberposts' => -1,
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_post_count;
function u_product_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_product_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'producte',
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_product_count;
function u_vi_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_vi_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'vi',
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_vi_count;
function u_menu_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_menu_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'menu',
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_menu_count;
And conditions:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-current-user info='role']' eq 'gratuit' ) AND ( u_product_count() lt '40' )"]
[cred-form form="add-producte" ]
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-current-user info='role']' eq 'gratuit' ) AND ( u_product_count() gt '40' )"]
No pots posar més de 40 productes
My apologies for the late reply. I took the copy from your website and analyzed it locally.
It turned out that the function "u_product_count" returned 5 for the user "croqueteria". Because the "numberposts" was not passed to get_posts, I would expect the function to return 10, from Settings->Reading, but for some reason it returns only 5.
I updated the code to introduce the "numberposts" equal to -1, to return all posts, and it worked form.
function u_product_count() {
//we create the $variable
$user_product_count = count( get_posts( array( //we get the posts
//we define the Post type
'post_type' => 'producte',
//all posts
numberposts' => -1,
//we get the current logged in author
'author' => get_current_user_id(),
) ) );
//We return the amount of posts created by user
return $user_product_count;
As you can see in my screenshot, this is working for the free plan user on my local copy: enlace oculto
And check how the page is built on the backend: enlace oculto
I wanted to check on your website, but my user and password are not working anymore. I set your next reply as private to let you share new credentials safely. ** Make a database backup before sharing credentials. **
Hi Jamal.
With conditional blocks and your code addon it Works like a charm.
Thanks for your time and help. Your support rocks!
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!