I'm trying to use DIvi in conjunction with Toolset and have an issue.
When working in the Views loop editor, there is no way to define the needed columns as the Divi shortcodes are no available there. For info, I have not loaded the Bootstrap CSS as I don't want to supercharge the current Divi theme.
In addition, I have tried to place some Divi classes inside the loop and this is not working properly. It seems the columns are well recognized, but the raw class is not implemented in the right place (I'm wondering if the [index] shortcodes are working fine within Divi?).
I have to say that working with Divi + Toolset is not so far as a nightmare for this point !!!
Can you help and define a way of working in order to be able to define the Views editor with the right classes for Divi.
I don't have any information about how the Divi grid CSS works to help set this up.
If you can point me to some documentation that explains the required markup structure and class names then I can try and reproduce it in the output of a View.
(If you wanted a 3 column output, for example, I would try to add a Bootstrap 3-column grid and then edit the markup and classnames which Views inserts in the Loop Editor as required.)
I'm trying to use Divi and Toolset without having to load Bootstrap (in addition to all classes that are already integrated into Divi !).
I'm still surprised that Toolset have worked hard to interface with Divi (and that's OK for content template or pages for example), but for this specific case (Views loop editor), nothing is available. If you don't load Bootstrap, then you are not able to design a template for your Views (meaning : you can design the content template you will use but not the loop itself). And the loop is mandatory if you want to create columns display for exemple in a WC site !!!
So, I don't understand why this part has not been covered by Toolset in the Divi integration work.
Just for info : I can try to retrieve the needed Divi classes that I need to use for that, but it's a huge work as there are lots of different cases and the Divi classes are not organised the same way than Bootstrap !
A couple of years ago everyone wanted Toolset to integrated with Divi. Last year everyone jumped to Elementor and wanted us to integrate with that. This year I would expect Oxygen to become the most popular.
Toolset cannot take on the development burden of building deep integration with every page builder out there without adversely affecting development of Toolset's own features, and so we aim for some level of interoperability without committing ourselves to an excessive development burden, especially as the page builders are moving targets and keep adding potentially breaking features.
So it will not happen that we build an output mode for Views to produce content in a Divi format.
(Recall that the reason you cannot use columns in a View output with Divi is because Divi is not compatible with Bootstrap, which is the most popular UI library on the planet.)
So, I would be happy to help you get a solution working where you can display a View in columns while working with Divi, but for that I need the specifications of the Divi grid system.
Did you check if they have it documented on their site? If not, you could ask their support and share it with me...
I can understand your point.
Concerning the help, no need as I can find it by myself by reading the page code with Divi (or load Bootstrap again !).
Thanks for your answer