Hi Nigel,
I just updated some Plugin in the WordPress Backend. After the update, the whole site (including the backend) is not reachable. The HTTP Error 500 occurs. After asking Google, I renamed the plugins folder to "xplugins" and i could reach the website again. The I renamed the plugins folder to "plugins" again and activated the plugins in the backend to see, which plugin causes the crash. It is the Toolset views plugin. Please look into this, as it seems to be a high priority problem.
You can have access to the backend. I now activated all plugins again except the views plugin.
Did you also took a look into the otehr thread (https://toolset.com/forums/topic/split-automatically-calculate-age-from-date-field/page/2/)? But I think, you are busy.
Just a quick update. I had to restore a backup from UpdraftPlus because some things were also broken on the Home-Site and the menu didn't display correct. Now I updated all plugins except the views plugin as I assume, that this will crash my site again.
I had the same error on one of my websites.
The error was as follows: "[28-Sep-2018 09:44:56 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) in /www/htdocs/***/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-views/application/controllers/compatibility/elementor.php on line 109"
I just removed the "::" and everything worked again.
It comes from our use of the Elementor API, which it seems only works in PHP 7+.
If your server is using PHP 5.x for the time being you should avoid upgrading.
We are investigating (it's not clear whether the issue is with how we call the Elementor API or with the API itself) and I should have an update for you soon.