Going back to ticket #1472457
We'd like to add another menu for a new location, could you please remind me how to generate the ID or where to get the ID from?
I assume we are talking about the post:
[wpv-post-url item='19999']
Note: 19999 is the ID of the page "Weekly menu form".
The ID "19999" is the the page ID where you display the editing/creating post form.
Hi, Thanks, okay.
This is the form page - enlace oculto
We have a page with 2 buttons that open up the form page enlace oculto
View - enlace oculto
Location Nottingham - enlace oculto
Location Glasgow - enlace oculto
How do we make another location link? /?mid=
Please share your website credentials in below private message box, I need to test and debug it in a live website. thanks
Luo is on vacation so I'll be following up on this ticket.
Thank you for sharing the access details, but, I'm getting an incorrect username and password message.
Can you please check the username and password again? I'm setting your next reply as private.
The admin access details worked thank you.
To add a menu button for another location on the "UPDATE WEEKLY MENUS" page, you only need to add another post in the custom post type "Weekly Menus".
If you'll go to WP Admin -> Weekly Menus, you'll see currently there are two posts there:
- BioCity Nottingham (The Kitchen, Innovation)
- BioCity Glasgow (Nowhere)
You can keep adding more location posts in this post type and the view named "Weekly menu" will keep generating a button with links for them.
Brilliant. Thank you Waqar!