I am getting this error after clicking on Save in Layouts backend editor: "There was an error during the ajax request, make sure the data you send are in json format." and also any changes are not saved. I have tried to edit it in another browsers, but same result.
This can be due to several things
1. Bad or unsteady internet connection (3G, unsteady 4G, unsteady landline)
2. Another Plugin blocking AJAX requests (usually it'll throw a JS error in the console)
3. The server blocking or breaking AJAX requests
4. JS Code in the Layout (text editor, content template cell, etc) that is malformed and breaks the request as well
I see there is actually a JS error on the site, which might be due to any 3rd party Plugin or Theme.
Can you try with the basic steps of disabling those and also eventually try another ISP connection to see if any of the above points is the issue?
thanks for help. I have tried several things and I have found out that it is caused when WP Rocket plugin is activated.
We could reach out to them and try to find a solution.
If you agree, please can you reply me with contact details, eventual threads opened for the issue in their forums, so I cn reach out?
Hi Beda,
there were some updates of the plugin, so it seems to be OK now. But I have found that there were similar issue with this plugin last year https://toolset.com/forums/topic/wp-rocket-conflict-with-toolset/
Great to hear it's resolved.
Do you mean that https://toolset.com/forums/topic/wp-rocket-conflict-with-toolset/ is still replicable for you?
I think it would be good to then re-report this as Luo never received the required details to replicate it:
Also, I'd then need these details I requested here:
Many plugins can generate this issue, since if they block AJAX scripts or malformed them, then many AJAX relying on plugins will fail
So, in this case, it could be that at some point it got resolved but then re-introduced later.
Hi Beda
if I register the same behaviour I will let you know.
For your request, they do not have a forum, but the ticket system which is open to public enlace oculto