Similarly to how you've added the view to the page here: enlace oculto
You will need to follow that same exact method. Not sure why you placed the shortcode in a WYSIWYG editor and then call it on the frontend when you can just call the view directly as you've done previously.
Have a look at how i've added it here. enlace oculto
If you clciked and added the blue button - Edit with El, then not all the info is being added dynamically....we'll end up using the builder which we don;t for all our listings.
With listings, all the info is Toolset Custom Fields.This looks like that;'s not the case?
You can add the shortcode directly to the page using elementor. However you will need to add a text editor to the elementor template using the elementor text widget. See Screenshot.
Please let me know if this clears this up for you.