On the edit form the dates that were submitted on the original form are not showing, they show in the VIEW but not when you edit the form
Edit form - enlace oculto
View - enlace oculto
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I logged-in to your site and I tried to visit the form on the front-end (first directly from your link above, then by visiting the second link with the View and using the edit link to go to the form) but wasn't able to see it, I get redirected to what appears to be the home page.
How can I see the form?
Hi Nigel, we've been having some cache issues, could you try again.
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Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Maybe it is a caching problem, because it works for me, see the screenshot.
Oh really... without re-adding the dates? are they showing straight away as soon as you click edit form?
Do you know what could cause that type of issue?
Inglés (English )
Español (Español )
Zona horaria:
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Yes, I simply clicked the edit link which loaded the page as per my screenshot.
If you don't see the same, please check your browser console for errors as well as your PHP debug.log.
Some kind of caching problem seems the most likely cause, and the logs may provide some clues.
Thank you for the advice 🙂