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[Resuelto] Dont save field in back office

Este hilo está resuelto. Aquí tiene una descripción del problema y la solución.

When I use Cred form, the field information is not visible in the back office nor does it appear in the front office.

The issue was due to a problem with the client's wp_postmeta table. The table needs AUTO_INCREMENT set for the meta_id column, which was missing. This prevented the addition of post meta. The client managed to repair this issue, restoring the functionality of the Cred forms.

This support ticket is created hace 1 año, 6 meses. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

This is the technical support forum for Toolset - a suite of plugins for developing WordPress sites without writing PHP.

Everyone can read this forum, but only Toolset clients can post in it. Toolset support works 6 days per week, 19 hours per day.

Este tema contiene 12 respuestas, tiene 2 mensajes.

Última actualización por Christopher Amirian hace 1 año, 5 meses.

Asistido por: Christopher Amirian.



When i use Cred form it's ok.
But after I look field in back office I don't see.
the field information does not appear in the front office either

Thank you


Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

Please make sure that there is not conflict going on:

- IMPORTANT STEP! Create a backup of your website. Or better approach will be to test this on a copy/staging version of the website to avoid any disruption of a live website.
- Switch to the default theme such as "TwentyTwenty" by going to "WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > themes".
- Go to "WordPress Dashboard > Plugins" and deactivate all plugins except Toolset plugind
- Check if you can still recreate the issue.
- If not, re-activate your plugins one by one and check the issue each time to find out the plugin that causes the problem.

If the issue remains after the test above, I'd appreciate it if you could give me the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard after you make sure that you have a backup of your website.
It is absolutely important that you give us a guarantee that you have a backup so if something happens you will have a point of restore.

Make sure you set the next reply as private.

Also give me the URL of the page that contains the form and tell me what steps I should do to see the issue.



Have you had a chance to look to find the problem with saving information in custom fields ?

Thank you


Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

Thank you for login information. The issue is that you did not tell me which page and form to check to be able to know the issue.

Would you please tell me the form and also the link to the page that the form is there?

As an initial test I suggest that you create a new form and do not use the expert mode. Use the drag and drop feature to create the test form with all the custom fields and then add it to a test page an dtest if it is working there.

If yes, then you need to check your code in Expert mode as it might have problem there.

If the custom fields are not added even with the drag and drop mode, please test to see if there is any sort of plugin conflict that causes the issue?

- IMPORTANT STEP! Create a backup of your website. Or better approach will be to test this on a copy/staging version of the website to avoid any disruption of a live website.
- Go to "WordPress Dashboard > Plugins" and deactivate all plugins except Toolset plugins.
- Check if you can still recreate the issue.
- If not, re-activate your plugins one by one and check the issue each time to find out the plugin that causes the problem.




enlace oculto
Form name : test

when I try to add a new form it doesn't even save it.

I changed the php version, reinstalled wordpress 6.3.1, reinstalled toolset form plugin it doesn't work



Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

Not being able to add the form can be the issue caused by a plugin conflict or having not enough server resources due to the number of fields you assigned to for example CVS post type.

You did not tell us what was the result of the plugin conflict test that we asked you to do.

If you are interested, we can do the test ourselves, and for that, we need your permission to copy the website to our server if the website is not too big.

If it is a big website we will need you to create a copy of the website so that we can do the tests there without the fear of stopping the normal flow of a live website.



Yes I authorize you to do tests. I have backups.

Thank you


Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

We successfully copied the website and I reported this to the second-tier support. I will inform you as soon as I have an answer.



OK Thank you.
Have a nice day.



You have a news for my problem ?

Thank you


Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

As a report, we stripped the copied website down to the bare minimum, and cleared out all the existing forms, and the issue still occurs.

We are still working on this and continue the investigation on Monday. I will inform you as soon as I have an update.




Ok thank you.


Christopher Amirian

Idiomas: Inglés (English )

Hi there,

I have an answer from the second-tier support:

The problem lies with the client wp_postmeta table.

This table normally has (and needs) AUTO_INCREMENT set for the meta_id column.

On the client site that is missing, and so any attempt to add post meta fails. (You can try with a snippet of code to update_post_meta for some page or post with any old meta_key and meta_value and you will see that it fails, or they could edit a post in the back end editor and expose the default WordPress custom fields meta box and try to save a custom field value when saving a post; it won't work.)

This must have worked in the past (there is no shortage of post meta saved for the site), and something or someone has changed this recently. Not being able to save forms is just one symptom, and the problem doesn't originate with Toolset, Toolset Forms are just a victim of the problem.

As mentioned above there are more serious and structural issue with your website which is not limited to Toolset and Toolset can not do anything about that code-wise as it uses the same WordPress methods which will fail on your case scenario either way.




Thanks for the information.
I was able to repair

Have a nice day.



Thanks for the information.
I was able to repair

Have a nice day.