So if I seek homepage styling assistance from Divi support, I'm seeking to identify the View in CSS coding specifically and not the Homepage New Template?
I see that the Homepage is one long section, which I assume is due to the combined View shortcode added to the Template.
With everything combined, the Results at the bottom cause the upper portion of the page to jump which looks horrible. The first possible resolution would be to place the Results in its own module and try to style it independently to the other sections but still on the same page.
Can you provide a recommendation?
There are a few other styling issues on the Homepage. Should I list them here or open a new ticket for each?
The styling issue can be seen in the attached screenshot showing that the Results on the /search-form/ page retains some of the CSS styling but the Homepage View does not.
Note: This is the same shortcode displaying differently on each page.
Update: I was able to add CSS to display the missing results content in the 3rd column but the featured images are displaying in random sizes instead of a uniform scale. The text block below are also displaying in random formats.
Although the 3rd column now shows, by example, the 4 featured products in the screenshot are the exact same image file size but they are displaying in different sizes. The /search-form/ page does not do this. This distortion has something to do with the homepage search results loop only, as you can see the first page of the results appears to display normally and once you click a pagination link, the columns each seem to display in random ways.
The Single Product List Entry View based on the Divi Custom Template module has style settings that are not being maintained.
Does Toolset have any resource for assistance with this, if so it would be greatly appreciated.
Your reply about the image size isn't correct from my point of view. The images must display in the files natural aspect ratio whether that be square, short and wide or tall and narrow.
Those settings were already made obviously because some of the columns display correctly and some down. I will give you a perfect example. From two side by side browser tabs one with enlace oculto for the homepage and in the other enlace oculto
Scroll down to the Results on both pages which at this point appear close to the same > click the "next" link 4 times on both pages > you will see a table row of 4 eCollage images which are all the exact same image file size.
On enlace oculto all of the eCollage images display in the same size which is correct.
On enlace oculto (the homepage results) the 4 eCollage images which are exactly the same file size, display in four different sizes.
If you followed the instructions and clicked each link and arrived at the same pagination page on both pages, you should clearly see that they are not the same, there is a problem and the image settings that you pointed to is not going to fix this..
Divi support said it has something to do with the Toolset looping beyond the first page of the pagination.
If you were to add the menu bar to the homepage would the same size difference occur ?
> As far are I know this is all displayed (entirely) by the shortcode that is added to both pages in the exact same way. What you wrote above makes no sense to me. I added the Toolset shortcode to the homepage exactly the same way it was added to the /search-form/ page
I realize that if I adjust the size in which the content has to render then the images will auto adjust to best fit the container.
????? I'm sorry Shane, I have NO idea what you are referring to here. ?????
The two-page configurations from my point of view are identical.
Early this morning I checked then over side-by-side.
I added the top navigation to the home page and will leave it there long enough for you to see that it is NOT the cause of the grid image size distortion.
I'm changing the homepage back by removing the header navigation because it obviously has nothing to do with the results image size distortion.
Is it possible to have the search form on the homepage and when a search query is submitted from that page > the results will show below the form on the enlace oculto
In other words can two forms in different locations display on a single result page for both?
I no longer have any hope of the results displaying correctly on the homepage and I really need to move on to a different solution.