I am trying to:
We work on a Siteground server using Divi as theme and the plugin Sg Optimizer installed.
We have detected 2 issues:
1. The Sg Optimizer lose icons when activating Toolset plugins.
2. The most important it's that we can purge the Divi cache if Toolset plugins are activated.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
enlace oculto
I expected to:
When we push the button "Purgar caché de SG" without Toolset active all the files in the folder gets cleared:
test.tantata.es > public_html > wp-content > et-cache
Instead, I got:
Not clear anything and have a css error in Sg Optimizer.
I logged into the server with the FTP credentials, however i'm not seeing any of the directories. Can you check to ensure that the user account has access privileges to the directories.
I went ahead and tried to purge the cache with and without Toolset enabled and in both cases i'm still able to see the files in the et-cache folder remaining.
It doesn't clear under both circumstances. Is it that the folder is to be empty when the cache is cleared?
Please let me know.
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