I would like to disconnect posts in an M2M relationship.
Hello and my apologies for the late reply, I still wait for the documentation team to provide a new article on how to disconnect two posts in a many-to-many relationship.
In the meantime, I run a small test and I was able to disconnect the posts by deleting the intermediary post. The solution needs a view that will query the intermediary posts and include the link to disconnect the posts.
Check this screenshot, I put the view inside of the parent post content template enlace oculto
Then check how I added the link to delete/disconnect enlace oculto
Read more about the shortcode for the delete link here https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/forms/cred-shortcodes/#cred-delete-post
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Jamal.
First of all.... Thanks for your time,
The problem is that I Can't see the intermediary post nowhere.
How can you get to see it?
I found it! There is a light. Thanks
I must do tests.
Awesome! I'll set this ticket as waiting for your feedback until you need further assistance. If you don't need further help, please mark it as resolved.
Currently, the M2M relationships were created without creating the intermediary post, which should let us disconnect the posts by deleting the intermediary post.
So, right now, I do not see how to get a link or form to disconnect posts. I am discussing this with our 2nd Tier and I'll get back to you as soon as I have something.
Our apologies for any inconvenience.
My apologies for the last reply, it was not meant for you, it was meant for another ticket that is about the same issue, disconnecting posts in an M2M relationship.
I'll set this ticket as waiting for your feedback until you need further assistance. If you don't need further help, please mark it as resolved.