Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'd like to be able to customise the layout of taxonomy term archives. For example, this is the default WP archive for the 'Bird Attracting' term within the Plant Uses taxonomy: enlace oculto
Note this is a Taxonomy Term archive, not a Taxonomy archive (ie. this isn't for the Plant Uses).
What I was thinking was this:
- use Beaver Builder Themer to create a Part as an Archive for all Archive pages
- in that Part, embed a Toolset View that displayed the archive content based on the parent taxonomy term ..
- was also thinking about content templates, but can't use those for taxonomy term archives.
What is the link to your site? enlace oculto
(if you look at this page using List view, you'll see hyperlinks to may of the taxonomy terms. There are lots of taxonomies with lots of terms, so I'd like an automated taxonomy term archive that can be customised away from the default WP layout.
You can create a custom WordPress archive for taxonomies at Toolset > WordPress Archives, where you can use either the legacy editor or Blocks editor to design the custom archive, and then it will be used for all terms of that taxonomy.
Yes, you could use an alternate solution like Beaver Themer.
To be honest, I'm not really sure I understand the question. If you want an alternative to the default archive generated by your theme, go to Toolset > WordPress Archives and make one with Toolset, or use a different tool if you prefer.
Thanks for that Nigel, obvious when you know how 🙂
I've now got all the taxonomy term archives displaying using a single archive in Toolset.
So for example, this archive displays all of the Products attached to the Drought term within the Tolerance taxonomy: enlace oculto
What I'd now like to do is present top level archives for all of the terms in the various archive. So that would mean being able to look at the Tolerances taxonomy and see Drought presented as one of the items.
I know how to create a view for this by setting the Content Selection to Taxonomy instead of Post types and selecting a taxonomy. This test page shows a view that is hard coded to the Tolerances taxonomy enlace oculto
Is it possible to a create an archive or view that will do this for multiple taxonomies (like the way WordPress archives can be set to display for multiple taxonomies), and not have to create a custom view for each separate taxonomy?
In classic Views, you can select multiple Taxonomies in the Content Selection panel, then use a Query Filter to filter by term parent where the parent term is set by the current archive. Will that achieve your goal? I'm not quite sure I understand the question but it sounds like this might work in your case.
Thanks for that note, when I'm looking at classic Views, the selection of taxonomies is via a radio button, so it isn't possible to assign multiple taxonomies.
See: enlace oculto
Is there a way to assign a view to operate with multiple taxonomies?
I apologize for the misinformation, in my memory it was possible to select multiple taxonomies here but you are correct - only one taxonomy selection is possible per View. I checked our API to see if it's possible to filter that taxonomy type programmatically somehow, but it turns out the system is set up in a way that does not permit filtering the taxonomy type of a View using our Views filters. In your case it does appear that the best course of action is to create multiple Views, one per taxonomy, to achieve the desired display.
Ok, so I'm understanding Toolset supports:
1. Creating a custom taxonomy but NOT creating the archive or customising the display for the collection of taxonomy terms (without creating a custom view for each taxonomy)
2. Creating taxonomy terms within the taxonomy AND creating the taxonomy term archive AND customising the display for each of the taxonomy terms
If my understanding is correct, I'd like to suggest a feature - enhanced Toolset support for:
- configuration of archives for custom taxonomies
- customisation of display for custom taxonomies
- ideally the display for custom taxonomies would be equal to the capabilities of WooCommerce product category shortcodes (ie. allow display of product categories and/or products that are assigned to the parent product category)
So for example, after using Toolset to create a custom taxonomy for 'Tolerances', Toolset would make it possible to configure: (ie. this is the archive where all the taxonomy terms for the taxonomy are displayed e.g. Salt Tolerant, Drought Tolerant, Frost Tolerant ...)
Ideally this feature would be implemented so that a taxonomy archive configuration could be applied to one or more taxonomies. Much like a single WordPress Archive can be attached to one or more taxonomies so it manages all of the taxonomy terms for each taxonomy.
This feature can be seen in the way core WooCommerce supports the Shop archive, which displays an archive for all the terms for the Product Category. The WooCommerce shortcodes allow the display of either categories and/or products that are the 'child' of each product category term. This is the equivalent feature that is missing for custom taxonomies created by Toolset.
Can you put this into the feature requests for me?
It seems like what you want to achieve is possible now except that it requires a separate View of terms in each taxonomy's WordPress Archive. I think a View is still necessary, because everyone is going to want to be able to style the terms differently in their own setup, maybe handle the case where there are no child terms differently, etc. In other words, a simple shortcode wouldn't be sufficient here. So if it were possible to filter the taxonomy selected in a taxonomy View using some API that would solve the problem efficiently. In the solution I have in mind, you would create one View for one taxonomy archive, then we could help provide a custom code snippet that changes the selected taxonomy for the View contents programmatically depending on the current archive. I can ask my team leader to take a look and see if this is something we could push our developers on. I'll let you know what I find out.
As far as a quick workaround for your current project (a change like the one I proposed will not happen quickly), you could create one View for one of the taxonomies and design it like you want, then duplicate that View from the Views dashboard at Toolset > Views. Hover over the View title to show a Duplicate link. Edit the View and select an alternate taxonomy as the content. To consolidate edits, you could reuse the same loop template from the first View. The template shortcode looks like this: