On infinite scroll refresh, the found items will get transparent, hard to recognize. How prevent that?
I have tried it in a fresh WP installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins, it works fine, I don't see the problem you mentioned above:
On infinite scroll refresh, the found items will get transparent
See below test site:
Login URL:
enlace oculto
1) Create a post view with custom search form + infinite scroll pagination settings:
enlace oculto
2) Test it in frontend:
enlace oculto
It works fine.
Is there any missing steps? please reproduce the same problem in above test site. thanks
To be clear: I don´t mean COMPLETELY transparent, but maybe 20% transparent.
Can´t you see it on enlace oculto e.g. ?
I can see the issue in your website, you can edit the post view in section "Pagination and Sliders Settings", disable the spinner(choose option "No spinner graphics") and test again.
Ok, thank you, that really helps!
But what does these 2 things have to do with each other?
Transparency should be selectable independently, right? Or is it an error on my page??
No, it is a CSS issue: when display the "Loading" spinner, it will make items of loop get transparent.
I have tried it in your website, it seems you have already fixed it, please let me know if you need more assistance for it.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!