Thanks for the details, I can log into your website.
There are lots of questions in this thread, I am trying to answer them one by one.
Q1) I was wondering if there is a way to combine all theses functions into one (if it's advisable to do so), since we can only use cred_form_validate hook.
In your case, I suggest you try these:
1) Edit those specific forms, which form's IDs are: 29, 49, 1355
Enable option "Use the WordPress Media Library manager for image, video, audio, or file fields"
So all files will be uploaded with WordPress Media Library manager,
2) Use filter hook "cred_form_ajax_upload_validate" to validate those file fields:
See above document, you can setup different validation on form's ID and the field "name" parameter.
Q2) Why is there an error on form 1355 (Editar Anuncio Pode), when there is already an image on custom field (foto-perfil)?
Since you are using multiple custom PHP validation functions on same forms, so there should be some problem in your PHP codes, I suggest you deactivate all those custom PHP validation functions, try to locate the problem PHP codes.
Q3) Why my functions for checking the size of the images (which I had help from Toolset support to create), are not working? I'm tyring to limit to 1MB but 2MB or more are being uploaded.
As I mentioned in Q1), the filter hook "cred_form_ajax_upload_validate" will be triggered only when you enable the option:
"Use the WordPress Media Library manager for image, video, audio, or file fields".
But this filter hook "cred_form_ajax_upload_validate" is applied to WordPress built-in filter "wp_handle_upload_prefilter":
So you can not use it in Toolset code snippet to setup the custom codes, you can try it in your theme file "functions.php":
For examples:
1) Edit those post forms, enable the option:
"Use the WordPress Media Library manager for image, video, audio, or file fields".
2) Put your custom codes in your theme file "functions.php"
Q4) Why are the images in the repeating custom field (fotos-para-anuncio) are being turned to the side?
This should be a problem of your image, for example image file:
enlace oculto
I have tried to upload it in WP admin side, use the media library, and get the same result: rotated image(turned to the side)
As I suggest above, you can enable option "Use the WordPress Media Library manager for image, video, audio, or file fields", then your user can use WordPress media library tools to rotate the image file, see screenshot: rotate-image