Thanks for the details, I can log into your website.
I assume we are talking about post form "Create New Builds", since you did not point out the URL where I can test it, so I have done below modifications in your website:
1) Create a new version post:
enlace oculto
in field "Version Select Project", relate with a project post.
2) In post content, setup the HTML link as below:
<a href="[wpv-post-url item="42"]?parent_version_id=[wpv-post-id]&parent_project_id=[wpv-post-id item="@module-select-project.parent"]" target="_self rel="noopener noreferrer">Create new child build</a>
It will be able to pass two URL parameters to target page:
- parent_version_id, the version post ID
- parent_project_id, the project post ID
3) Edit the post form: Create New Builds
enlace oculto
Edit both post relationship fields:
- Build Select Project, setup the option "Set default value from an URL parameter" as: parent_project_id
- Build Related Version,setup the option "Set default value from an URL parameter" as: parent_version_id
So both fields will accept the URL parameter values as default values.
You can test it here:
enlace oculto
Click link "Create new child build", it will redirect you to URL:
enlace oculto
You should be able to see both relationship fields are preselected.
You can use CSS codes to hide those two elationship fields, see the document I mentioned above:
section "Creating forms when a parent post is preselected"