Hi Dee,
Thank you for your question and I'll be happy to assist.
From your message, I understand that you'd like to have a function similar to "email this article to a friend".
(where a visitor clicks a link from a post and then sees a contact form to share the title, link and content of that post through an email)
If that is correct, you can follow these steps:
1. You can register a new custom post type e.g. "shared posts", that will hold all the entries that are shared through the form.
2. Next, you'll create a new post form that will add an entry in a newly registered custom post type and send an email notification to the email address that the visitor will provide.
3. Using generic form fields ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/inserting-generic-fields-into-forms/ ) you can prepopulate the fields with information like title, URL, and content, from the post that needs to be shared.
You'll register shortcodes that will get the ID of the post from the URL parameter and will then populate the fields accordingly, as suggested in this reply:
4. This newly created form can be added to a new page, for example, "Share with a friend".
5. In your actual post archive, you can add a link to this newly created page for each post, making sure that the ID of the current post is passed in the URL (this new page can be opened in a new window, tab or inside a modal/popup)
For example, if your new page's URL is "enlace oculto", the link with the ID will become "enlace oculto".
(replace 123 with the actual ID of the post in the archive and id with the actual parameter that you'd like to use in your custom shortcodes in step 3)
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around any of the above points.