Tell us what you are trying to do? I have recently updated my theme. The earlier theme's structured needed me to create a single-customPostName.php and archive-customPostName.php for each custom post and it was working fine.
In the new theme, it's using the default single.php for all custom templates and so far it's working fine. Do I need to still create a new single-XXX.php for each custom post?
However my Archives page is not looking that great as it's using the 'post type Archive' of the theme and I need to change this.. I did refer to the documentation link ( but I couldn't do much as I was confused. There's no existing archive.php.. the theme uses as tempate-parts folder structure and there's only a content.php inside this folder.. there's no content-single.php or content-page.php.. I am sharing the zip file for the theme here ..
enlace oculto
Please do advise the best way forward for single custom posts and the archives for this theme.
enlace oculto
The above is the archives page and you can see that it's all messed up.. I need some desperate help asap..
When I try to visit your article archive page it is not working properly, it keeps trying to reload every few seconds and looks entirely broken, so I can't really comment.
Try switching to twentytwentyone, does it look normal?
I took a look at the theme files you shared, and it seems the theme doesn't use an archive.php template, meaning that it falls back to using the index.php template when displaying archives.
There are various content template parts, I'm not sure how the theme determines which one is used, but I looked at the first one and see that it uses the_content() to output the post content, which means it should work okay with Toolset, but I can't say much more than that.
It's not possible to evaluate the article archive how it is behaving at the moment to offer any advice.
I've managed to fix the issue.. the theme works fine with Toolset.. and it just required some CSS tweaking..
I've deleted most plugins that were not required and am on a cleanup drive to get my sites to normalcy..
I've had to disable WPML.. as the translations seem to be causing a few issues.. but I'll enable them after I've sorted the rest of the issues. for now things seem ok.. except for the Image Slider issue with Toolset Slider for which I've created a new ticket..
I'll close this ticket for now and create a new one later if something comes up