*sorry, I assumed this was obvious. Yes, I do. I want to link to it from navigation menu of the footer.
==> Well - to which menu you want to link to footer, I do not see any login link in footer menu.
*Yes, I have read the entire Part 7 tutorial through several times. But what I'm saying is that someone who doesn't know Layouts, isn't going to understand that Layouts means Content Template. The documentation could use clarification on this I think as this took me a long time to understand on my own.
=> Layout does not mean content template but when you have Layouts, the options in the popup when you try to set permissions using post field group from access control will be changed. If you are using Content template, if will allow you to chose content template, if you are using Layout, it will allow you to set Layout.
As I tried to explain you in my previous post:
as you are not using Layouts, with Access post group "What to display for single-posts when there is no read permission" - you will see the radio button with option "Show Content Template" and once you select that radio, select the content template which have the content which you want to display.
Also as I asked before, in the Content template, can I not use the Divi Builders beautiful login module in place of merely entering the login short-code via the Fields and Views (since i'm not familiar with Layouts) and somehow have it link up to all the other pages/forms the same way? Or do I just have to use the text editor in Content template and Toolsets short-code and have that stylized via CSS? (I will attach a photo of what the Divi Builder can do for login forms really easily).
==> I never tried to use Divi Builder login module but yes, you should try to add it to your content template and check if that works for you.
Here is the doc how you can use Divi Builder with Toolset to design content template:
=> https://toolset.com/documentation/recommended-themes/toolset-divi-integration/create-templates-for-custom-post-types-with-divi-builder-and-toolset/
*So what I hope to do is have my contributors be able to have access to a login link in the footer navigation menu. (Currently because I've hidden "My Accounts in Post Groups", the footer nav doesn't display it until I enter the URL for the My Accounts Login.
==> I see that currently when I try to access the account page: enlace oculto , its displaying the login form. that is correct.
Then once logged in, I need them to have access to and be able to edit their custom post type posts that they will have created, and of course add new ones. So for example, I have an Ingredient Types custom post types. They need to be able to add new posts and edit exisiting. Same with other custom post types.
==> Yes - you can use CRED forms to create or Edit the content.
After they reset their password, I'd like for the email that is sent to them that says password is reset, click here to login, to take them to My Account login opposed to the WP standard login (which doesn't get them to their My Account (logged-in) page, but rather the WP dashboard which will confuse them.
==> CRED does not currently offer a reset password form. Toolset offers two shortcode:
- To display reset password form
=> https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/#wpv-reset-password-form
- Forget password form:
=> https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/views-shortcodes/#wpv-forgot-password-form
we offer above Views shortcode creates a link to the standard WordPress form. You may be able to add styles to the standard form, or you can use another 3rd party plugin to create a more customized forgot/reset password form.