I have a custom field called VIGENCIA DEL MENU with radio button and 4 options and 4 values
un dia = 1
varis dies = 2
un mes = 3
indefinit = 4
Conditional Custom field called DATA DE VIGENCIA DEL MENU and it's a date field. I show it when
vigencia-del menu is equal 1
vigencia-del menu is equal 2
vigencia-del menu is equal 3
Conditional Custom field called DATA DE VIGENCIA FINAL DEL MENU and it's a date field. I show it when
vigencia-del menu is equal 2
When i select value 1 data de vigencia del menu is shown - OK
When i select value 2 data de vigencia del menu is hidden and data de vigencia final del menu is shown XX ERROR XX -> It must show data de vigencia del menu and data de vigencia final del menu
When i select value 3 data de vigencia del menu is hidden and data de vigencia final del menu is hidden XX ERROR XX -> It must show data de vigencia del menu
When i select value 4 data de vigencia del menu is hidden and data de vigencia final del menu is hidden -OK
Actually, I just checked further, and the code—although it belongs to Types—is reproduced in the common code shared across all of the Toolset plugins, meaning that it would be necessary to downgrade all of the plugins to the prior version.
That's not so practical, it may be better to wait for news from the developers. I'll let you know when I have some.
This has been shared as an urgent issue with the developers, but the Types developer is on vacation this week. I'll press them when they return for a quick fix, and I'll update you then.
Sorry, but I'm still waiting for news from the developer in question. I can see that they have begun work on the internal ticket, but it's not resolved yet. I don't want to speculate about when an update will be available until I can see the issue has been identified and a fix proposed by the developer.
The new releases have just been published and are available from the downloads page (toolset.com/account/downloads).
From your plugins page, if you don't see an update notice you can click the registered link to go to the custom installer page and click the Check for Updates button, which should bring up the list of updates you can install.