I have to enter a comma value into the "produktpreis" number field, because in germany the price separation is given with a comma instead of a dot.
Here is the code of the form:
<div >
[cred_field field='menge' force_type='field' class='bw-inputfield mengfield' output='bootstrap']
[cred_field field='produktpreis' force_type='field' class='bw-inputfield preis' output='bootstrap']
<div >
[cred_field field='gesamtpreis' force_type='field' class='bw-inputfield' output='bootstrap' readonly='true']
The problem is I cannot convert the field into a text field because I need the field as a numerical value for the following Javascript price calculation:
jQuery( function( $ ) {
function compute() {
var a = $("input[name='wpcf-menge']").val();
var b = $("input[name='wpcf-produktpreis']").val();
var gesamtpreis=a*b;
} );
Is there a solution for this problem? Hope you can help me.
Kind Regards
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Here are the private fields. I cannot guarantee that this will work because number fields don't allow for commas to be added.
What you can do is to set the field to a single line field and we can use Javascript to force the user to only enter numbers along with the use of some regular expressions we can check the validity of the field value. enlace oculto
thank you very much for your efforts. The problem I see is to be calculated with the entered values if it's a text field, isn't it?
I hope so much that we find a solution.
After a successful login, you will be automatically redirected to this page with the form: enlace oculto
The form is on the left sidebar (screenshot-01)
You have to select the first field (selection does not matter) so that you can see the complete form.
The part about it is the section with the price calculation (screenshot-02).
Menge * Preis = Gesamtpreis (Warenwert)
The field "Gesamtwert" (Warenwert) is automatically calculated when you specify the "Menge" (quantity) and the "Produktpreis" (price).
So you need the "Gesamtwert" field to be automatically formatted with the correct number format?
Add this to your code.
function compute() {
var a = $("input[name='wpcf-menge']").val();
var b = $("input[name='wpcf-produktpreis']").val();
var gesamtpreis=a*b;
var formatted = $("input[name='wpcf-gesamtpreis']").val().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")
Please try this and let me know if it helps.
thanks again for your quick response and efforts. I will try the javascript and let you know if it works.
However, the main problem still persists. In the "produktpreis"-field i have to enter a price with a point (e.g. 2.99) instead of a comma (e.g. 2,99) to calculate the total value (gesamtwert). My customer wishes to be able to enter the price with a comma in the "produktpreis"-field.
Is there a way to do that and still calculate the total value correctly?
Hope you understand my problem.
1) create a single line textfield for "produktpreis"
2) convert the string (10,00€) from this single line textfield in a number (10.00) with something like parseFloat()
3) calculate with this number (10.00) like this
var a = $("input[name='wpcf-menge']").val();
var b = $("input[name='wpcf-produktpreis-string']").val();
var gesamtpreis=a*b;
4) convert the "gesamtpreis"-number (eg. 200.00) into a string (200,00) again?
5) output it with $("input[name='wpcf-gesamtpreis-string']").val(gesamtpreis); in a newly created single line textfield?
Hi Shane,
sorry I didn't tested it yet. I was caught up in another urgent issue.
I will test it tomorrow and let you know immedialtly. Truely sorry for the delay.
Hi Shane,
while I was caught up in the other urgent issue, a work colleague tried to solve the problem in the way we discussed it priviously.
While she tried to figure out how to set up the parse correctly, she stumbled upon a little code snippet, which solved the problem in a very unexpected and easy way. I shared the changed code in the picture for everyone, who might read this post in the future - and is struggling with the same problem. "menge" is still a number field and "product price" is a singleline textfield. It works smoothly.
Many thanks for your support and your hints. Although we ended with a different solution, it helped a lot on the way there.
Here is an updated version of the Javascript code.
It's especially interesting for German users - as we write 3,00€ instead of 3.00€
Please enjoy 🙂
jQuery( function( $ ) {
function compute() {
var a = $("input[name='wpcf-menge']").val();
var b = $("input[name='wpcf-produktpreis']").val().replace(",", ".");
var gesamtpreis=(a*b).toFixed(2);
var gesamtpreismitcomma = (gesamtpreis).replace(".", ",")
} );