The problem is that you have a hover effect on the button. On mobile devices there isn't a hover or mouse over action that will let the red background display.
This is why you are only getting the red text but not the background around it.
Can I ask? Why is this code only affecting the mobile view? The margin has no effect on desktop view, which is a good thing.
How do I get rid of the 'pink' hover please?
Finally, and important...why does our site show when viewed on tablet using Safari, are the search fields bubbles? (see first pic I sent you).
On other sites using Toolset, these form your showcase, there forms look on an iPad, just like they do on a PC.
This is just one from your showcase: enlace oculto
Thanks for the hover code...I should have known this!!!!
The search button was inline with the other fields before I added the margin to make it inline on mobile. It seems to be working so no issues I guess 🙂
Hmmm so don;t you see it being an issue seeing the search form with this 'bubble' appearance?
My point is, this site uses Toolset and it's search form on iPad is the same on PC and bubble form enlace oculto
Infact I am yet to find another side that has this bubble appearance which is a tad concerning.