Hell, how can I set the WP the system field of user-setting-time into the front end, so that user can choose local time zone when logged in, because my site has an event calendar. must show up a accurate time to users
Users will have a profile form to set the time zone up. that must connect with their system time. Thanks!
There isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset forms. I have tried it in a fresh wordpress installation + the latest version of Toolset plugins, for example: Dashboard-> Edit My Profile
There isn't a user field "time zone"
If it is site settings: Dashboard-> Settings-> General
option "Timezone".
Then it is not possible with Toolset form plugin, Toolset form can not edit your website settings, user form can only edit user's custom fields.
I saw the button of manage No-Toolset field like wp_user-settings-time under the tab of Post form, maybe, you could test with this field? 如果真的不行的话,怎么解决这个时差问题而不需要用户使用后端呢?谢谢!
如果你说的“wp_user-settings-time”用户field 是标准的WordPress用户field, 你也可以使用Toolset Forms来编辑它:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> User Forms
点击按钮“Manage non-Toolset User Fields”,参考我们的文档进行设置
我可以弄,但我不知道怎么样才会能使这个字段跟网站的系统字段联系起来呢?假设我设成一个单选字段,并手工填写时区,这样肯定是联系不上的,有显示时间的地方的话就会出错。有没有其他办法? 谢谢!
wp_user-settings-time: 1546937000
时间戳timestamp是一个指定时间,某年某月某日,所以它肯定不是存储时区(timezone)数据, 你可以使用mysql工具搜索这个字段。
// The cookie is newer than the saved value. Update the user_option and leave the cookie as-is
if ( $current > $last_saved ) {
update_user_option( $user_id, 'user-settings', $cookie, false );
update_user_option( $user_id, 'user-settings-time', time() - 5, false );
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