Thanks to Toolset Access, I have created a new role based on admin. I have not made any restriction on it.
When I'm logging to the WP admin thanks to this role, I cannot have access to WC product list and orders (as you can see in the attached screenshot).
If I try to access directly the product admin page ...wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product, then I'm getting an error (you don't have the rights to modify this postype).
Is there something special that is not taken into account when we create a new role based on admin role?
On my local test site, I see that the menu option WooCommerce > Orders is missing when logged in with a user that has a copy of the administrator role, but only if in Access settings the Order post type is managed by Access.
I don't experience any problems with the Product post type, regardless of whether it is managed by Access or not.
Could you please share the debug info, and also confirm what are your Access settings for the Order and Product post types?
I dig a little and found that the fact that the orders and products were accessible is linked to the way Toolset access manage the postypes. I was managing Orders and Product before thanks to Toolset access (but with all options checked, that means no restrictions) and I was not able to see them in the WP admin.
Then, I move to Products and Orders managed by WP (no more by Toolset access) and everything was fine.
To me, there is something strange as all options were checked for these postypes in Toolset access, but it seems that the rights were not sufficient to access the related pages !!!
Note: please make sure to apply the hotfix shared on your staging site.
I would like to inform you that our Devs shared a hotfix and you can download it using the following link:
- enlace oculto
To apply the patch, just unzip the package and upload the modified file to replace the one with the same name i.e. "permissions_post_types.php" at path: plugins/types-access/application/controllers/permissions_post_types.php
Can you please confirm once you apply the hotfix we shared you see the orders working as expiated.
I Minesh,
I'm not at home right now and cannot validate your fix until end of next week.
I will come back to you as soon as possible to give you the needed info on the result.
Thanks for your patience.