I have this image enlace oculto, originally very wide, but resized to 2048 × 1365 by imagify when uploaded. The file URL now is enlace oculto
Then, I have this post enlace oculto, where I added the file in an image multiple field. After choosing it, I can notice the name of the file in the Toolset field is enlace oculto
Finally, I try to integrate this thanks to Elementor carousel widgets enlace oculto
And I notice if the carousel images are manually set, I can choose which thumb size to display. But if the carousel images are dynamically set based on the Toolset image field, then I can't choose anymore which thumb size to display, since it always get the full original file instead of the thumbs, which it doesn't find out.
As I understand this, the Toolset iamge custom field doesn't take into account the WordPress rescale function?
Isn't that a bug? Shouldn't this be solved?
Also, I've just added suggested filter to my functions.php with no change.
What I mean is that even if you upload the images to your site using our Custom Fields, the image is still process by wordpress image API and will get the scaled added to it regardless.
I've just tested this filter hook on my end and it works fine. Can you try adding it to Toolset -> Settings -> Custom Code and ensure that you've activated it.
I need the images to be scaled by WordPress!
The problem is not there. The problem is your custom field doesn't take into account the scaled version of the image, which it should.
Unfortunately our Shortcode doesn't give the option to display the default scaled image, you will need to use one of the scaled sizes that wordpress provides by default or define a custom scaled size.
What I mean by the default scaled sizes are Medium, Large and thumbnail.