I have a question which I have probably asked before and have resolved but I am unable to figure out now.. I have to create a VIEW that is not assigned to a POST but I should be able to add it using a shortcode.. and when I add it to a POST I need it to use that relationship between the VIEW and that particular post to display the content..
I have one that works in parfumplusmag.com where I have a view FRAGRANCE WITH NOTES and whenever I want to display the this view I add the VIEW And in then I add the connection in the FIELDS AND VIEWS section to that post and it displays the content of the view..
but I don't know how I had made it.. now I need a similar VIEW but in youandeyemag.com
And I have a POST called AWARDS EVENTS which is held every year.. so we have a 2016, 2017, 2018 version..
and in each of these EVENTS we have certain OPTICIANS (another custom post) who are either WINNERS or RUNNER UPS in certain categories..
So I have a relationship between EVENTS and OPTICIANS with intermediary posts for WINNING CATEGORIES (Checkboxes) and RUNNER UP CATEGORIES (Checkboxes)
When I make a single event and in that content template I tried to add 6 award categories the page would always hang as I am sure the relationship is a bit complex and the queries were too many.. as each VIEW had multiple queries and they were repeated many times.. on the same page..
and I've lost a lot of time trying to create and recreate them and then the page working till some time but then when I add more and more categories to the EVENTS Content Template it would not work and my server would end up with some 503 errors
I am trying to work around this.. but creating a VIEW for each CATEGORY and then showing this VIEW using the insert FIELDS AND VIEWS option
could you please guide me on how to achieve this?