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How to Reset Access Settings en WordPress

Sometimes you will need to reset all the settings and then customize your site’s Access permissions from scratch. Access provides you with an option to do just that.

Before proceeding with resetting Access settings, you should be aware that this action cannot be undone. We strongly advise you to create a copy of your database first so that you have a backup in case of unexpected results. This feature can be only used if there is at least one existing change in the Access settings. To reset Access settings, go to ToolsetSettings and click on the Access tab. You will find the Remove Access setting from my database button there.

Reset Access settings page
Reset Access settings page

Reset Options

After pressing the button to reset Access settings, you will be presented with the following options:

  • Remove Access settings from the database – This includes permissions for post types, taxonomies, post groups, Types fields, Toolset forms, and WPML groups. Permissions will be reset to WordPress defaults.
  • Remove Access custom roles – If users are assigned to these roles, Access will automatically notify you with a list of roles. When the removal process is complete, users will have the selected roles assigned.
  • Deactivate Toolset Access plugin – This option allows you to deactivate the Access plugin when the action is complete.
Remove Access settings option
Remove Access settings option
noviembre 16, 2020