I'm using slider and view to create the Related listing (custom post type)
I want to display the listing by base on the same "Project" (parent post relationship)
And it says "No items found"
I did read all the thing I can find, still cannot solve it.
I think you have to see it through the access.
Additionally, to test this issue with elementor, I need your elementor pro version. Could you please share it so I will be able to test it and feel free to close the ticket.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!
The code that Minesh input in function.php made elementor error message
And I cannot save the template because of that "Server Error".
Then,I decide to delete the code and somehow the view that I made still work with extra code.
Mann, It keep getting weirder I'm so confused.
So, the problem is solved I guess.
Welcome back Minesh
I put your code back on. And it still now showing.
Should I set the filter back to a specific "Project" ?
And Why we need it?
I think I miss something that I don't understand.
As I said we added that filter that belongs to a specific project but we also added the 'wpv_filter_query' that will help to make the project assignment dynamically based on the post ID.
As you can see I used to fetch the the parent post ID:
And this applies to filter the view results before view throws the results on the frontend. So I suggest you to keep the filter which I added and the code which I added to functions.php file.
I thought the the filter option :
Select items "in the Project-Listing "
as related items of...
"The post where this View is shown"
is the way to get the post that is in the same parent.